Chapter fifty-six

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"Heyyyy, how are you?", Raphael asked and wrapped his arms around Maureen who was sitting on her bed with her laptop. "Omg, don't scare me like that!", she yelped and shut her laptop closed so that Raphael had no chance of seeing what was on it. "I am sorry.", He mumbled as he pressed a kiss on her neck, "What were you doing, anyways?" "Uhm, school and stuff, nothing special.", she lied. Raphael raised a brow:" School and stuff, huh? Did we have any homework?" "No, I was just going over my notes again.", she said. Raphael sat back and looked at her seriously:" Do you have to write an exam? Your grades are good, aren't they?" "I- I was just preparing for lessons tomorrow, drop it already.", Maureen hissed. Surprised by the sharpness of her voice, Raphael flinched. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...", Maureen said but got interrupted. "You know what? Leave it, honestly. I have had enough. You hide things from me, lie to my face, you make me record videos with you in the middle of the night with no explanation- whatever is wrong, I would love to fix that. But as long as you are not being straight up with me, I have had enough of this. Get it together, I mean it. And when you're ready to talk, let me know.", He ranted and rushed out of the room, leaving Maureen startled. "Whoa, trouble in paradise?", Maia asked while walking into her room in the very second Raphael rushed out of it. Maureen exhaled and dropped herself on her bed. "Come on, what happened?", Maia asked and sat down next to her friend. "I fucked up.", Maureen sighed, "I really did." "What did you do?", Maia asked, preparing for the worst. "I haven't been honest with Raphael, but he doesn't have to be that sensible. And because he is that sensible I can't tell him what I need to tell him." "Relationships don't work like that.", Maia sighed, "You need to be honest to each other, even if that hurts the other persons feelings. Look what happened to Magnus und Alec once Magnus kept his secret and distanced himself from Alec- Alec almost went nuts." "That's different.", Maureen explained, "Raphael is just very very sensible. Alec can take a lot, I know that. But Raphael is vulnerable- which I love about him, I do, but I don't want him to get hurt." "Well, he has every right to be hurt, in my opinion."; Maia stated, "You have been very distant. And it's frustrating, you know? Imagine caring about someone so much you would do anything for them and of a sudden, the person turns away from you and there's this invisible wall between you that the other person can't break because they don't know what it consists of. It's your wall. And only you can tear it down to let them in. Otherwise, they are fighting with no result. And that is what really hurts. Trying to get through to someone you love and not succeed. It's devastating. Trust me." "So I should tell hm?", Maureen asked and Maia nodded intensely. "Can I tell you first so you can give me tips on how to do it?" Maia nodded again. "So, as you know I haven't been comfortable in my body for a long time. And when I finally got comfortable in it, I realized it wasn't the body required me to have. So I have been going back and forth thinking about how to proceed. On the one hand I can't give up dance but I also can't loose the happiness it took me so many dreadful years to find. So I have been looking at alternatives. By going to NYABM I am hurting myself and others and I don't want that. This environment is toxic and I decided that it's not the right place for me to be anymore. I decided to leave NYABM by the end of this year." "I'm going to miss you.", Maia sobbed as a single tear rolled down her cheek, "But I am so happy for you." "Thank you.", Maureen sighed and pulled her fried into a hug. "Do you have any idea what's next?", Maia asked, wiping her face with her hand. "I actually applied for a job.", Maureen smiled, tears in her eyes. "What is it?", Maia shrieked. "I decided to work as a self-love-coach in an Eating disorder clinic. I will have to do a three month apprenticeship but an ED clinic in New York is searching for a self love coach who will teach other people to accept their bodies through learning about them. So, I emailed them and told them my story. And they allowed me to, if I do well at the apprenticeship, teach some dance courses because in my opinion, the best way to loving your body is seeing what it can do- and there is no better way to do that than through movement. Especially dance." "It's perfect.", Maia sighed and pulled Maureen in another hug. "It really is."

"Hey, Alec!", Alec heard a well known voice while walking the hallway on his way to the laundry room. "Hey, Jonathan.", he replied coldly while turning around. "How's your little secret?", Jonathan asked with that nasty grin of his. "What do you mean?", Alec asked. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your little lie to get into the Breakdance team?", Jonathan grinned even nastier. "What do you want?", Alec scoffed. This probably was exactly what Jonathan has hoped for. "I want a deal." "What deal.", Alec spit. He felt nothing but disgust for Jonathan. "I forget about your little secret and nobody will ever find out. You get your grade. But in return, I demand three favors." Alec exhaled sharply- his urge to snap Jonathans neck was indescribable. But what other choice did he have? Three favors- that couldn't be that bad. It wasn't endless blackmailing or something unethical. "Deal.", he sighed and turned his face away from Jonathans dirty lying face.

Hello beautiful people! I am happy to announce that I finished planning the story! I am so glad to finally write this chapter in order to explain some things I did. It has all been leading up to this moment. Catch you next time with a new chapter where Jonathan demands his first favor!                                                                                                                                     XOXO, AllyMaii  

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