Chapter sixteen

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"Hey honey.", Magnus greeted as Alec came back from training. "Hi.", he replied. "Shower, change and get yourself ready. I have something planned for tonight.", Magnus said. Alec smiled weakly and got in the shower without asking further questions- he knew he wouldn't get any answers anyways. After showering he used a little more perfume then usually and started blow-drying his hair. He was kind of nervous- what did Magnus have in mind? Where they leaving their room? "Come on, I already picked an outfit for you!", Magnus said. Alec chuckled- it would have been foolish to belief Magnus wouldn't have taken care of Alec's lack of fashion. He was surprised to notice Magnus actually found the one pair of jeans he brought to NYABM in the back of his closet. Next to it laid a white V-neck t-shirt and his black leather jacket- pretty much the most elegant outfit he could possibly pick from his sporty closet. It was only now that Alec realized Magnus wore makeup, his hair was decorated with dark blue small glitter stars that matched his dark blue, shimmering pants. With those he wore a black turtleneck and also a dark blue sparkly leather jacket- nothing he has seen on him before. "You look fabulous.", he stated. He smiled:" You will as well." Quickly, Alec changed, took a look at it in the mirror and after realizing he looked pretty good, he went to the main room where Magnus was already putting on his shoes- they were leaving NYABM. Without asking further questions Alec put on shoes, grabbed his phone and the keys to their room and left it. The floors at NYABM were silent, everyone was inside their rooms, some were probably asleep already- it was pretty late as Maia and Alec were practicing with Julian and Emma after their own rehearsals. "Where are we going?", Alec asked as the cool New York night air stroke his face and left a refreshing faint of calmness. "Somewhere normal.", Magnus said and took Alec's hand. His hand in Magnus'- there was nothing more perfect. "Normal sounds good to me.", Alec replied and smiled. It has been quite a while since he actually went for a walk and got outside at night. The billboards were bright and the lights left funny, colored patches on the concrete. Looking up, he could see the moon and traces of stars, easily outshined by the lanterns on the street. The air smelled like fast food, gas and perfume, traces of earlier pedestrians. And it sounded really gross, Alec had to admit, but it was Alec's second favorite smell. It just smelled like New York. It smelled like city, like people, like life. It smelled like home. And there was only one smell he preferred over this- the smell of Magnus. He couldn't decide it. It was a bit of that sandalwood soap Magnus always used, paired with the smell of classic nivea men deodorant and a slight trace of Jasmin perfume. Those were the components he could name. The rest was just Magnus- he smelled like fabulousness, like kindness, like calmness, like beauty, he smelled like perfection, he smelled like Magnus. And there was nothing in the world as comforting as just burying ones head in his neck, smelling him, feeling him. Being with him. Being with him was all he needed. And he never realized he needed it that bad. Away from the stress, the drama, the pressure- just walking New York at night, hand in hand with Magnus, far away from dance was what he needed these past weeks. And he never realized how much he needed to get out, how much he needed distance, how much he needed Magnus. "I need you more than words can say, Magnus.", he whispered, crushing the perfect silence, "And I love you more than hearts can feel." Magnus smiled and looked into Alec's eyes- he didn't have to reply. His eyes said more than he could ever pronounce. Instead, Alec leant forwards and slowly kissed Magnus- no rush, no hurry, just the two of them. He felt Magnus' soft skin under his hands, he felt his lashes tickling his cheeks, his nose against his, Magnus' arms on his back. As the kisses intensified, he felt Magnus' tongue exploring his mouth, his nails scratching his shirt. Slowly Alec walked towards a brick wall and gently steadied Magnus' back against it. The kisses intensified, Alec's kisses leaving a burning trace on Magnus' face, neck and collarbone. "You are all I want.", Magnus sighed. Alec stopped and looked down to him:" You are more than I ever wanted." Magnus smiled and blew a last little kiss on Alec's lips. Then he took his hand and they kept walking. "I missed this.", Alec sighed. "I know.", Magnus chuckled, "And I knew, stuck at NYABM, we wouldn't be able to focus on each other. Sometimes, we just have to escape. Sometimes we have to be lovers that dance, not dancers that love. Sometimes, we just have to be a couple. Forget everything else. Do something normal. Go out. Dress up. Have a proper date." Alec smiled:" That's true. It will be hard for the both of us but I feel it, I know we will manage to balance it all." "Not only balance.", Magnus said, "Also separate. We have to let go of each other at some point and just perform, but sometimes we have to let go of performing and be with each other. And I know it will get rough this year, not only once, but as long as we know we have each other we will always bring the same passion we feel for dance into our relationship." Alec nodded in agreement:" As long as we cherish our relationship as much as we cherish dance, nothing can break us. Because even though it's confusing and hard right now, I know one thing for sure- I have always loved you, Magnus Bane. And nothing is more powerful than love."

But is that really true?    

Hello! I hope you enjoyed some malec here! I wanted to ask if it makes you uncomfortable if I get explicit with actions of romance. I am not talking about smut here because I barely write smut but would you like to have some smut in this story? And did you like the little making out part or did it make you uncomfortable? Just let me know!

Stay safe, XOXO, Ally <3    

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