Chapter eight

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"And up, and up!", Jocelyn commanded. Alec and Julian were pretty much half way through the Basic training lesson. Year two and one were merged for those two lessons. Alec hated working out. He knew working out was extremely important to gain the physical strength for all the jumps and lifts but it still was boring and annoying. "Imagine someone tells you dance isn't a sport and you are here to show him.", Jocelyn said. And as always, her iconic slogans caused wonders. It was like a wave of power and energy rushing through his body, making the crunches higher, his abs burning. Everyone bit through it. Simon was breathing heavily, Julian was groaning. Raphael, as usual had a classic pokerface but by the sweat on his forehead you could tell he was suffering just as much as everyone else was. Alec looked to his right and watched Maia smile through the pain. She amazed him- she was one of the hardest working people he knew. "One dancer is down, thirty more to go.", Jocelyn said. Everyone looked around- Maureen gave up. That was definitely weird. "Three more are down.", Jocelyn commanded. A few of the year- one students have up. It was embarrassing that Maureen, who was a year older in experience gave up earlier than the new ones. "Okay, stretch.", Jocelyn said and Alec dropped his back. "Most relieving moment of my life.", Maia chuckled," my abs are burning." "Same.", Alec exhaled heavily and sipped some water. "Is it always that intense?", Julian asked. Alec nodded:" Kind of. I mean, now you're not in shape yet, we aren't back in it. So it will stay the same- our bodies get stronger, but the workouts get harder. But you need it for all those lifts." "Yeah about that", Julian asked," Can we meet on Wednesday then?" "Sure. Maybe bring Emma and I'll ask Maia." "Thanks.", Julian said and left. "Okay, pushups, let's go now!", Jocelyn commanded and everyone got on their hands. Fifty pushups later the girls laid down on the guy's back to work as a weight. A typical Jocelyn excercise. "Guys, come on. Women..." "Give birth.", the year two guys finished, leaving the year one guys in total confusion. "I see ,you remember my top slogan.", Jocelyn laughed," but okay, twenty more for year two, year one can relax." "Damn, that was exhausting.", Raphael sighed as they made their way to the ballet room as basic training was finished. "It was. Honestly not looking forwards to ballet technique classes now", Alec replied and Raphael nodded. "Gather around!", Valentine said and everyone obeyed. "So we are going to do classic technique exercises today just to make sure y'all still know the basics and just even out any mistakes. Because, In choreography courses you will soon start doing quintets and quartets and I need to make sure that your basic technique and your partnering is at its top." Alec sighed and everyone lined up at the Barre. "Okay we are doing the tendu jeter combination we always did last year for warmup, I expect you to remember it. I'll look around and give corrections if I see something.",Valentine explained and started the well known music. Two long hours of pure technique later, Alec, Simon and Raphael made their way to lunch. Today they had a two hour break which was pretty rare. "God, I don't behave any motivation for Nutrition lessons later.", Simon sighed and Alec leant back nodding:" Me neither. God, I can't even see all these proteins and food pyramids anymore." Raphael laughed:" Me neither. But what is really stressing me out is that contemporary lesson we got after it. I mean I hate across the floor stuff and I think it's all we are going to do." Alec chuckled:" Well, probably. But I am super thrilled for ballet choreo lessons on Thursday. I mean the stuff Valentine told us about earlier sounded pretty good." Raphael smirked:" Not looking forwards to the partnering though." Simon frowned:" Come on, you love partnering. What's wrong?" Raphael shrugged:" I don't know, it just feels like Maureen and I don't work as well together. I mean ,mainly because of the weight." Alec bit his lip:" Something is off with her. I am kind of worried I mean she was the first one to give up in Basic training today. That's so unlike her." Simon nodded shyly:" I just feel like it's so ethically wrong and against my moral to say this but have you seen her at breakfast on Monday? She ate like half of the buffet. Man I just feel like a dick saying something like that." Raphael cleared his throat:" It's so hard. Like, I don't want to bodyshame anyone and I just think that what we are talking about is wrong on so many levels but when she decided to be a professional dancer she knew that taking care of her body and tracking her weight is part of the job. I mean we all have to stay in shape, otherwise we don't work." Alec nodded:" I just think you have to wait and see how the situation evolves. She will lose weight due to the training eventually all by herself." "Not if she continues eating like this.", Simon added. Alec shrugged:" I just think you guys have to try your best and if it really doesn't work for you Raph, you will have to talk to her. And I know it won't be a nice conversation but you guys need to work at all costs." Raphael nodded:" Thank you. I mean I will try to avoid it for as long as I can but I have no idea how we are going to do the lifts." Simon laughed: "Well I am not a good lifter so you probably won't even be noticed. Just relax, Raphael. It will be alright." Raphael chuckled:" You guys sure?" "No.", Alec laughed," But I know you will work it out somehow."

Hey guys, sorry for the extreme delay with the upload! I just had much going on and I have a lot to update atm and my focus is with my other story 'hopeless' but I will be done with it soon so I can finally prioritize this story. Ly❤️

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