Chapter ten

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"Focus! Energy!", Valentine commanded. Alec desperately tried following along with the exercise but it was really hard to concentrate. He was completely sore and tired. Since his first training session with Julian they have been training every afternoon or evening and it was really getting to Alec because they didn't seem to make any progress. When he looked at Maia, he could see she must be feeling the same way. She had dark circles under her eyes, shimmering through the thin layer of makeup she wore. Alec was sure he wasn't looking any better. Yesterday, he stayed up late doing homework. "Alexander, set your mind on the dance, not on whatever you are thinking about!", Valentine yelled and pulled Alec back into reality. He zoned out in class- again. This was the second time Valentine called him out in this lesson and Alec very well knew there was no patience left. "Okay, center, partnering.", Valentine said and everyone let go of the barre. Alec sighed- his shoulders and arms were completely sore so he prayed they wouldn't have to do any lifts. "We do the partnering combo we learned last time." Alec sighed in relief. It was a pretty easy one. But this couldn't go on like this. After the lesson, Maia, Simon, Raphael and Alec gathered around. It was lunch time but somehow Alec wasn't hungry. And the rest of his hunger faded as he was Julian entering the room, immediately approaching Alec. "So, where and when do we meet tonight?", Julian asked and Alec and Maia exchanged a look. "Uhm, tonight Maia and I are busy. But maybe tomorrow, okay?" Julian frowned and left without a word. "Wow. What a sunshine. Truly lightens up every day.", Simon said sarcastically and Alec grinned. "Are you two actually busy? Because you look as if you need some sleep.", Raphael asked and Alec laughed. "Well, I was planning on preparing a date night for Magnus and me. We haven't spent much time together lately so I thought I would make us dinner and we could just talk and stuff." "Sounds great. I bet he will appreciate it.", Maia said. He really hoped he would.
After practice, showering and changing into jeans and a shirt, Alec started cooking. He went for pasta, like the first time he cooked for Magnus. He even put a candle on the table. Everything had to be perfect. The pasta smelled delicious. He actually really missed cooking. When he was done he dropped himself on one of the chairs. Magnus should be coming any second. Quickly he switched off the light and put on some music. Magnus still wasn't there. Maybe he was talking to Cat or something. Alec put the pasta on the plates. Still no Magnus. He was already twenty minutes late. He was starting to get nervous. He wanted it to be a surprise- did he miss anything? Quickly he checked Magnus' timetable that hung at the Wally right besides his. Nope, he didn't forget anything. He checked his watch again- he was already half an hour late. He fidgeted his phone out of his pocket and texted Magnus, asking where he was. But the message didn't get delivered. With a sigh of annoyance he put his phone on the table and leant back. He waited. And waited.

"Alec?", Some voice said and Alec winced- he must have fallen asleep waiting for Magnus. He rubbed his eyes and saw Magnus' face in front of his own. "Don't scare me like that again.", He said. Alec yawned and straightened his back. "Don't you scare me like that again.", Alec said, "Where have you been? I was worried!" Magnus frowned:" The audition for the all-stars dance show?" Alec frowned too. "You forgot.", Magnus sighed in disappointment, "I have been telling you about it the whole past week." Slowly, a glimpse of memory lit up in his mind. The darkly remembered something. "Sorry I forgot.", He apologized, massaging his neck. "Don't worry. Are you good? You seemed off the last week." Alec nodded:" I'm good. How did the audition go?", He asked while putting the plates with the pasta into the microwave. Warmed up wasn't as good as fresh but still better than nothing. "It went pretty good I guess. They said they will get back to us soon.", Magnus replied. "Did you cook for us?", He added and Alec nodded. "I am sorry I couldn't make it. That's really sweet of you.", He said and hugged Alec from the back. Alec smiled weakly- he missed Magnus. He really did. But it was also bothering him that he forgot about the audition- how could he? "Don't worry about the audition. You had other things on your plate.", Magnus whispered but something in his voice sounded sarcastic. Alec whirled around:" What do you mean?" "Just saying.", Magnus shrugged. Alec frowned:" I am serious. What do you mean? Let's talk about it." He put the pasta on the table but somehow he wasn't hungry now either. "Don't you notice yourself?", Magnus asked hurt. "Notice what?", Alec asked although he already had an assumption what this was going to be about. "You have training, you practice privately, you do your best. But now, every spare minute given for recovery or a private life, you end up training with Julian. When was the last time we properly talked? You come home, you're tired, you do homework and go to bed. That's all. You forgot about the audition- you never forget things like this." Alec bit his lip:" I know and I am sorry. This isn't at all easy for me either. I am trying my best to get it under control soon. Julian just needs to get some basics laid down, the we will be done. I hope you can be patient. I really am trying to balance everything out, I just haven't found the perfect solution yet." Magnus nodded:" Just be careful, okay? Don't overdo it." Alec smiled weakly:" Promise." Then he leant over the table and blew a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. The lips he loved the most. The man he loved more than anything else.

I am back! I hope everyone is safe during these rough times. Wishing you all the best! I guess you can already smell where this is going- but it. Me tell you: This is just the very beginning. Prepare for one long and adventurous journey! Let's see what is going to come. Assumptions? Leave them in the comments! It will be fun to read your theories!

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