Chapter forty-six

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"Okay, let's go!", Magnus yelled and Alec hustled out of their NYABM room. It was Monday, the first day of the project week. The past nights he has been lying awake, thinking about the decision he had to make- go behind the rules in order to spend more time with Magnus or obey and put their relationship through another disant phase. It hasn't been an easy decision, that was for sure. But, reviewing the pros and cons of every option he decided to choose Magnus. And with that, break the rules for choosing Breakdance. Alec was confident in himself- his knee has been feeling great ever since he rested it and the doctor said there should be no further complications- and Alec chose to believe him. Why did he always have to prepare for the worst case scenario? If there was one thing he learned through the entire story, if was that he had to do what felt best to him. Follow his guts. Listen to his body. During those few days in the dorm, he had time to think. He thought about every problem he ever had, or rather every problem that was significant enough for him to remember. And there he noticed one thing- things didn't just happen. Things happened for a reason, and because of one. And the reason behind most of his problems was he himself, he realized. Everything resolved out of him feeling like he needed to prove himself to someone, pushing his boundaries, doing things he had a bad feeling about just to please his ego. It was only now that it hit him- he needed to do what felt right, not what, from an objective perspective, would be the right thing. He needed to listen to himself, not to other people. He needed to know there was nobody worth going above and beyond proving himself to- The only people important enough to make such an effort for already accepted him the way he was- there was nothing to prove. He didn't need to push his boundaries in order for Isabelle, Jace, Magnus or anyone of his friends to like him. They liked him for the way he was, naturally. And whoever didn't wasn't going to change their mind anyways, and even if, they would simply not be worth of his time. He learned to question his motives when overstepping- was it because of him or the others? Last year, he overstepped in order to please the team, this year he went above and beyond to make a good impression on principal Blackthorn. But the project week was different- he didn't want to join the Breakdance Crew in order to show off, he wanted to join because he felt like it was the right thing to do. He felt like he was ready for a challenge. Ready for something good to happen. And that was exactly what he was going to do.
"Are you coming???", Magnus yelled and Alec locked their dorm. "Yes!", He responded and hustled down the stairs. It was a little stressful as they had to get up almost an hour earlier. Even though Jia Penhallow has sent them the exact location of the studio they would train in, the chances of getting lost were still very high. This was why Magnus and him decided to call an Uber- which brought the disadvantage of being hopeless prey to New York's crazy morning traffic with it. But, compared to the subway, it brought a guarantee of safe arrival at the right place. "Hey! Sorry it took me that long.", Alec excused himself as he finally reached Magnus who was already outside of NYABM. "What did you do?", Magnus asked but didn't get a reply as in this very moment, their Uber pulled up. "Hi!", Magnus greeted the driver and named the address right after Alec and him got in. The driver just nodded and got driving. Alec scoffed- due to all the hurry, he forgot to brush his teeth. To his luck he found an old peppermint chewing gum in the pocket of his hoodie- that would have to do the job, whether he liked it or not. It was not like he had options. And everything seemed better than showing up to his first day with a bad breath. "Nervous?", Magnus asked when looking at Alec. "Not really- are you?", He replied but Magnus only shook his head. "Wanna grab pizza together after practice? Honestly, we haven't eaten out in eternities.", Alec suggested and Magnus agreed:" It's a date." Alec grinned- mission completed. He carefully fidgeted for Magnus' hand and took it, their fingers crossing. Alec felt Magnus' soft skin, delicate fingers, bold rings. As he looked up he noticed Magnus was watching him. "You look cute today.", He stated. Magnus smiled:" Thank you. Is it something particular?" "You are smiling." "How could I not?"

"I am surprised all of you are on time! We will start with a warm-up, stretch, then do some technical training, learn some moves and start laying down the foundation for the choreography.", Jia said, "We have two weeks, you have one free day per week, on the last Saturday is the charity event, that leaves us with eleven days to learn the choreo- I would like to make it in ten so that we have one day just to do some final touches." "This is going to be rough.", Magnus stated correctly. "It's going to be tough but I promise you will have a lot of fun. I want you to understand the style, I want you to feel comfortable dancing it and be able to battle and do freestyles which is a huge part of the style." The more Alec listened to Jia talk, the more excited he was for the next two weeks. And at this point, he was certain he has made the right decision by joining team Breakdance. He just overall was excited to try something new- together with Magnus.

Hi beautiful people! I know this chapter is very random and doesn't bring the plot forwards much but I feel like it's an important step in Alec's personal development. I know I have taken my time with it but it felt like the right thing to do. It also holds an important message for you guys- live for yourself, not for anyone else. If you are happy with you actions, that's all that matters. And even if everyone else is, if you aren't happy about what you are doing- Don't do it. It's your life and the only person you need to make proud and content is yourself- keep that in mind. Have a great day,
XOXO, AllyMaii.
I love you. You are wonderful.

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