Chapter seven

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"Alec, you're going to be late!", Magnus chuckled as he awakened Alec. What a way to start the day, although it was a stressful one. He would have a full day of training and theory lessons and honestly wasn't looking forward to it. "I actually feel like going downstairs for breakfast, kind of missing the vibe.", Magnus said and Alec nodded. "Sure." Then both boys got up and went to the bathroom. Alec started doing his hair while Magnus was putting on makeup. "Honestly, the only really annoying thing about NYABM is the diet like I know it's important and stuff but dude my cravings for bacon are unreal.", Alec sighed. Magnus burst out laughing, completely ruining his eyeliner:" Dammit, Alec. Honestly, I don't even crave fast food and stuff that much." "Seriously?", Alec asked in surprise and chuckled," I would give a lot for a bacon burger right now, I swear. Good thing is I don't crave sweets too much. Like, I constantly meet Izzy in a coffee shop where I just order water and she gets coffee and a big piece of cake. I know some other people couldn't do that, I honestly am fine with my water but fast food- ughhhhh." Magnus laughed:" You are so sweet when you talk about food. Almost as sweet as you are when you talk about me." Alec finished his hair and started washing his hands:" You and food, things I love. But it's also do funny when Izzy and I meet in a restaurant and I order some salad because of my diet and she gets fries and beef and when we get the food she always gets my salad and I get her meal." Magnus grinned:" I guess it's just what the waiters see every day- beef for the guy, salad for the girl." "Gender roles. We are missing Maia in that conversation.", Alec said and Magnus laughed out:" Oh boy, let's not get her started on that." "Me and Raphael actually accidentally did.", Alec laughed," Yesterday we were grabbing juice before I came upstairs, immediately after the talk with Valentine. And after talking about the team, maureen and everything else that has been going on we ended up discussing how sexist pointe shoes are and how unfair it is that the guy's always gotta frame the girls." Magnus chuckled:" I can see it in front of my inner eye. Anyways, what's the deal with Maureen? Is she okay?", Alec shrugged:" We don't know. She just made dance captain and we are really happy for her but we have a problem." "What is it?", Magnus asked and looked at Alec curiously. Alec sighed- he didn't want to talk about it but he knew it would be the only chance they might get good advice. "You know Raphael, he is a crazy good dancer and really strong, physically and technically. And like last year, him and Maureen are partners. The problem bis that he has struggles lifting her. We don't think he just magically lost half of his strength over summer, considering he has been working out a lot, we rather think Maureen gained a little too much weight over summer. And now we don't know what to do.", Alec explained. Magnus nodded:" I get it. You don't want to hurt her feelings and it's difficult to talk about a problem like that to anyone, but you also don't want Raphael to struggle, I mean in the end the lifts have to work. And girls gaining weight is a huge problem in the industry, it's not like it's something new." "Doesn't make it easier, though.", Alec said and Magnus nodded:" It doesn't. I would just recommend to look after her eating habits, maybe at breakfast. And maybe she'll loose weight because of all the training all by herself and the problem will be solved in a few weeks." Alec smiled weakly:" Sounds reasonable. Anyways, should we get downstairs?" Magnus nodded and threw on a hoodie. Alec grabbed his dancebag and followed his boyfriend to the breakfast room. It was pretty crowded as most of the teachers and students ate there. "Hey, what's good?", Simon asked and hugged Alec and Magnus, followed by Raphael. "How are you?", Simon asked. Magnus laughed:" I am good, I think. Definitely stoked for this year and all the challenges it holds." "You're going to auditions, right?", Raphael asked and Magnus nodded:" I am and let me tell you, I am scared. But choreo lessons and masterclasses are new for you guys, right?" Simon nodded:" I honestly can't wait for those. Sooo sick of all the technique." "Same.", Alec laughed. "I am telling you, for me as a contemporary major contemporary choreo lessons were the best thing ever. I mean you meet sick choreographers and just great dancers, learn epic moves and insane choreo- your Instagram will explode this year." Raphael laughed:" I bet it will. I mean isn't not crazy how important social media is in this industry?" Magnus nodded:" It's pretty scary. At a casting I once got asked how many followers I had on my social media. Isn't that crazy?" Simon nodded:" It it. But I mean obviously it matters, you sell yourself out there and Instagram is an easy place to do it at." "I don't mean to interrupt you guys, but Maureen and Maia just came down here.", Alec said," Maybe we should get some food." "Let's go!", Raphael exclaimed and everyone got up and loaded their plates with fruit and yoghurt. It was a classic breakfast, quick and healthy. "Oh wow, someone's hungry.", Maia chuckled with a discrete look in Raphael's direction as Maureen loaded her plate with five pieces of bread and an insane amount of butter. Even though everything that was offered at breakfast was more or less healthy, they learned in nutrition lessons how to create a healthy diet to maintain the body they needed for their job and what Maureen was planning on eating definitely wasn't something that was going to make her lose weight. Rather the other way around. And that was not good.

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