Chapter forty-nine

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"So, I talked to my boss.", Asmodeus said after taking a sip of his water, " And he has a job to offer you- he would love you to be a backround dancer for the finishing scene of a movie that is currently still in production. You would have to spend the entire weekend in two weeks on set, though. But, it pays very nicely." Magnus cursed internally- Jace and Clary invited him and Alec for lunch on that very weekend- Alec has been so excited about it and Magnus has promised him he would go. But now with this job opportunity, he had no idea what to pick. He hated it- it was always the same thing. Over and over he had to choose between his career and his relationship- and that was just not possible. He loved Alec and dance more than anything- picking one of the two was simply impossible. "How much does it pay?", he asked. "350 dollars", Asmodeus replied and Magnus sucked in his breath- that was quite something. "When would you have to know whether I accept the offer or not?", he asked to make sure he had enough time to think about it. "Actually, I would have to know today.", Asmodeus stated. A billion thoughts started running through his head- he knew how important this family lunch was to Alec. But also, with everything that has happened with Alec's tuition, they could really use any money they could get. But how was he going to explain that to Alec? He knew there was just one thing Alec hated more than admitting he needed help- accepting help. He would have to understand, Magnus whispered to himself, at least this was what all of them were working towards. All of them were trying to get jobs, build connections, become working professionals, get discovered. This was what they were trying to achieve- agents walking up to you and offering a job. So why not take it? What even was the point of going to NYABM if he was going to bail out of amazing opportunities like this one! He was getting money, experience, connections and hopefully a good time all at the same time! Magnus sighed- he was sure if he was going to explain it to Alec this way, he would understand. He wouldn't blame him if he got a little upset, obviously he has been looking forwards to this lunch but Magnus knew he was going to see the bigger picture and be happy for them and especially Magnus- or that was what he hoped, at least. "So are you considering it?", Asmodeus asked. "I am taking it.", Magnus said. Immediately, a wide smile crossed Asmodeus' face:" That's great! My boss will be very happy to hear that." "It's my pleasure.", Magnus said with a bittersweet taste on his tongue.

"5, 6, 7, 8!", Jia commanded and Alec got going. The choreography was actually pure fire- it was really exhausting but so much fun to do. He was really glad he chose Breakdance. "This might have been our best run through guys!", Jia cheered afterwards. Alec smiled widely- it was great to have a teacher as energetic and enthusiastic as Jia. Someone whose passion you could really feel, who electrifies you with their love for Breakdance. "You killed that last move!", Alec said and padded Magnus' shoulder in appreciation. "Thanks.", Magnus replied, "You did great too." Somehow he seemed absent, almost as if his mind was in some sort of parallel universe right now. It was obvious he didn't have his head in the game, but it felt more as if he was actively thinking about something- something different than dance. "Hey, are you okay?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded:" Yeah." Alec could tell he was hiding something. But now was neither the time nor the place to break down his walls and try to find out what it was. "Let's go again, we'll take it from the top!", Jia commanded. With a sigh, Alec peeled his gaze off Magnus. Somehow he felt like he just had half of the energy left he had before. And he wasn't the only one to notice. "Okay, this was actually a lot worse. I feel like we have done enough today, you can go home, rest up and I will catch you tomorrow. Have a great day!", Jia said and everyone gladly did as they were told. Alec called an uber and picked his stuff up to stuff it into his dancebag. It took the uber only minutes to arrive and Magnus and Alec didn't speak a word during their entire ride home. Alec still had no idea what was going on but something was clearly pressuring Magnus. "Do you want to shower first?", Alec finally asked as they entered their dorm. "You go first.", Magnus said and dropped himself on his bed. He was just buying himself time, trying to figure out a proper strategy to tell Alec about the job without hurting his feelings. "Okay.", Alec responded and vanished into the bathroom immediately. He felt the cold water pearling off his skin, taking the sweat with it as well. It was actually his favorite part of coming home after practice- it always used to make him feel refreshed and relaxed- but there was nothing relaxing about it this time. He was so tense on the inside, he couldn't even let loose on the outside. It was just really bugging him that Magnus was keeping something from him. Of course he could ask and find out, but that was not the point. He just wished Magnus would be more straight up with him, tell him about what was going on in his life, do less things behind his back, not keep as many secrets. But Alec knew this was a side of Magnus he had to accept- he was keeping a lot of things to himself, you could maybe say he was shutting himself off at times- but Alec knew, he had no right to complain about flaws in the way Magnus dealt with his problems- you couldn't quite call his own way of doing it healthy either, and he was very well aware of that.  

Hello beautiful people! Just hoping you had a great week and are adapting to the new upload schedule as well as I am! Stay safe!                                                                                            XOXO, AllyMaii


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