Chapter thirty-six

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"Okay, the audience is starting to arrive,.you good?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded- he was stoked. "See you later then. good luck!", Magnus said and Alec wished him the same.
"Hey, Julian!", He yelled, "come over here!" "What's up?", Julian asked and Alec took a deep breath- he was really bad at peptalking. "I put a lot of effort into you. And I know it's all exciting and new but also hard and frustrating but you need to forget all of that and go up there with all of us later and perform! Because that's what everyone here expects you to do. You can do it.",Alec said and Julian grinned cockily:" I know. Good luck to you too." "Emma reacted the same, disgusting and ungrateful pieces of shit.", Maia scoffed. Alec whirled around, he didn't see her coming. "Yeah well, our job is done and I am not planning on doing anything beyond that. Have you seen Raph?" "Yes, actually, he sent me to find you and tell you to come to his room.", Maia replied and Alec frowned." Okay, thanks.", He said and got going. The lobby was getting more and more crowded with people and all the dancers were easily destinctable by the all white costume for the all dancers dance which would be the show opener. Quickly, Alec ran upstairs and rushed into Raphael's room. "Raph?", He asked. "Thank god, here you are.", Raphael exhaled relieved. He was not yet wearing his shirt and was busy icing his back. Still he looked dangerously relieved to see Alec. "What's wrong? Is it your back?", Alec asked alarmed but Raphael shook his head:" Worse. I was looking out of the window as I was doing my hair and I saw my family's car drive into the parking lot and saw my parents, my grandparents, my aunt, my 3 younger sisters and my cousin walk into the entrance- I AM PETRIFIED." "Wait-", Alec asked in shock, "They're here? Are all our families?" Raphael shrugged:" I have no idea but Simon spotted his family as well and there is a rumor going around saying all the parents and the entire families of the dancers got a secret invitation as a surprise." "Crap, crap, CRAP!", Alec cursed- he was just praying his parents didn't come. "Tell me about it!", Raphael cursed," I am so screwed! I haven't told my parents about anything, not my back, not Maureen, not you, not anything! They think this is a bright bubbly happy place where everything is perfect! Like they have no idea how messed up this is!" Alec tried to take a few deep breaths to calm down:" Okay, well if they're here we can't do anything about it now- let's make a pact. We will do everything together, we will be that inseparable type of friends for the day so whenever some parents approach and the conversation gets awkward we will cover for each other and say something like "you need to come backstage for shoes" or something as some sort of escape." "Sounds good to me.", Raphael sighed, "So I need you to cover my injury, my relationship to Maureen and basically everything bad about being a professional dancer." Alec nodded:" I can do that. Same goes for me, no injury, no Magnus cheating, make it no Magnus in general." "Deal.", Raphael said and high-fived Alec. "Deal.", He replied and got Raphael's shirt, "Now let's go downstairs, act all happy and surprised and try to find a way to tell Maureen and Magnus about the situation." "Okay.", Raphael sighed and took another couple of deep breaths- you could see how nervous he was. "Hey, you're good.", Alec said and padded his shoulder, "You have taped your back so that will be fine, you have me to escape your parents and you have your parents to escape Maureen. It's all good. You're good." Raphael smiled weakly:" Let's hope that's true."

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NYABM!", Miss Blackthorn cheered as she entered the stage that got built up in the lobby. The crowd started to cheer. All NYABM dancers were squished into the little space backstage, some peeking to see how many people were in the audience. "500 minimum.", Maia whispered in Alec's ear. His heart pounded like a drum. He was just hoping that his parents weren't in there. "Did you see.your parents?", He asked and Maia nodded:" My mom, my dad and my older brother are here. I want to introduce you to them later, if that's fine with you." Alec nodded:" Sure. No big deal. We just can't leave Raphael alone- his hugeass family is here as well and he basically kept everything secret from them. So when you see Maureen or Magnus tell them to keep it down." "Sure.", Maia replied and took a deep breath. "Enjoy!", Miss Blackthorn finished and the music started playing. When the curtains opened all 24 NYABM dancers ran onstage, all makes in white tight pants and shirts, all females in white shorts and tops. The adrenaline rushed through his body and he started dancing the lyrical choreography. When he was looking around in his group he could spot Julian doing pretty decent. That was a relief. Only now he brought himself to actually look at the audience. His eyes slid over hundreds of heads and unknown faces while the rest of his body was dancing it's soul out without thinking. Suddenly, he saw a man and a woman he so desperately hoped not to see, standing next to Isabelle who was smiling widely right at him and Clary and Jace that were cheering with the crowd after the aerial section of the choreography. "Don't mess up. They don't deserve you to mess up.", Alec told himself and concentrated on the choreography again. Because that was why he was here- not to impress his parents or make them proud, no, he was there to impress the choreographers and to make himself proud.

Hello beautiful people! Well I thought I would have the open house day over with in this chapter but I was terribly wrong- there is just o much to happen on this day, you aren't even ready. But we know, family surprises don't often end well- leave your theories in teh comments! I guess I will just keep uploading chapters from this one day then. But seriously, you guys aren't ready.

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