Chapter forty-five

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"Hey!", Magnus laughed as he bumped into Alec, "Why are you at the bar already! Come on!" With a laugh Magnus pulled Alec into the mob on the dancefloor. Through the flashlights he could see a couple familiar faces- It looked like Heidi and Ragnor were making out, Camille and Aline were having a blast, Jonathan was talking to Sebastian who came to visit NYABM for the party. In the corner he saw Raphael and Maureen holding hands and dancing together. He couldn't help but smile- they looked so happy. Raphaels back was feeling better and according to Maia, Maureen hasn't binged in weeks. Thankfully, everyone was moving on. Then his gaze wandered off to Magnus. His hair was covered with the glitter from one of the jars at the bar. "You look fantastic, you remember, right?", Alec smirked and Magnus laughed his prettiest smile- the one where he tilted his delicate chin upwards, showed his perfect teeth, the one where his eyes sparkled like black diamonds. It was like an infectious disease- no matter what, whenever Magnus smiled like this, Alec couldn't help but smile back. "There you go! That looks a lot better on you.", Magnus stated and Alec grinned- he wasn't wrong, he realized. For some reason, he smiled way to rarely. A couple of days ago Isabelle sent him an undercover picture she made it the open house- a picture where he was smiling. And he liked. "I should smile more, shouldn't I?", he asked. "Hell yes!", Magnus replied as the beat dropped, "Now dance with me!" Alec grinned- it was ironic, wasn't it? He felt free, suddenly, he was dancing as if no one was watching. He threw his hands in the air, shook his head, grooved to the music. For some reason, he just let go. Of everything. And everyone around him was doing the exact same thing. It was all happening in slow-motion, people laughing, the bass line of the music shaking him up like a second pulse, limbs flying around, the slight taste of Pina colada on his mouth. Alec closed his eyes, letting the last piece of control slip away. The world started spinning, but not in a bad way, in a free, wild way. The floor was vibrating with the students steps and jumps, the energy in the room was electrifying. Alec looked around- it wasn't like a normal party. Nobody was trying to show off, nobody was trying to get everyone drunk, it was more like a huge group of friends hanging out together. Jace has once asked him what an NYABM party looked like- he wondered if they did a lot of dancebattles, if they pulled any contemporary tricks or anything that would make it exclusive and Alec couldn't blame Jace for that question- they were just a bunch of teens- they danced all day, they didn't need to do it in their free time as well. After a few songs, Alec stepped off the dancefloor and sat down on one of the sofas. For whatever reason, he was exhausted and decided to take a break and continue to party a little. In the crowd he saw Magnus who blew a kiss in his direction, before he vanished into the masses of students. Magnus was in his element- this was what he loved, and Alec was happy he could actually enjoy it this year. With a sigh he fidgeted his phone out of his pocket- and winced. Three missed calls from Emma, one from Julian, just a few minutes ago. Quickly he moved away from the speakers and dialed Emmas phone number. The phone beeped once, twice, right before the third ring Emma finally answered:" Alec?!" "Yes? What's wrong?", he asked, slightly worried but mostly confused. "So, Julian told you he had Vodka soda in his thermos flask- I think he drank almost the whole thing. Anyways, he is completely drunk and I don't know what to do- he just collapsed.", Emma poured out in an abnormal speed. Alec cursed- how could someone be that stupid? "Alec, please, I don't know who to turn to. Nobody can know, you need to help us!", she shrieked with an increasing hysteria in her voice. "Okay, Emma, stay calm. Tell me where you are, I will be right there.", he said, trying to de-escalate the situation- even though he very well knew they have reached a point where you could only try to cut the losses. "We're in the hallway next to the tumbling room.", Emma replied. Alec cursed again- that meant they would have to get him past the lobby and up the stairs in order to get to his room. "I'll be there.", Alec scoffed and ended the call. Then he went to the bar, grabbed a few bottles of water and got going. He already emptied one of them himself while jogging to the tumbling rooms. From a distance he could already see Emma kneeing next to someone in jeans and a navy-blue hoodie- Julian. "Thank god you came!", Emma exclaimed and hugged Alec as tight as he has never been hugged before. "What else was I supposed to do? Let you rot here? Do you have any idea what kind of a backlash this is going to have on you, even on me as your mentor? I am responsible for you! What the hell were you thinking?", Alec ranted bevor crouching down to Julian. He has already brought drunk Isabelle or Jace home a couple of times, so he knew exactly what he was dealing with. "Julian, buddy, it's time to come back to earth.", he said in pure annoyance and slightly slapped him across the face a couple of times. It did is job, as usual. Julian regained consciousness. "You look funny."; he drooled. Alec cursed- he really was wasted. "Come on, we're playing wild west. Hop on.", Alec sighed and crouched down next to Julian so he could crawl on his back. "Emma, you make sure he doesn't let go- understood?", Alec asked and Emma nodded. "Let's go, then.", Alec groaned as he finally lifted Julian off the floor.

Hello beautiful people! I can't believe this story is already this long- trust me, there are still a few things to come. I feel like it took me some time to really got the story going but I am amazed of how much has happened. Thank you for sticking through this with me. I love you guys🥺
XOXO, AllyMaii

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