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Hello beautiful people!

It feels so odd writing this, I remember the teasers I used to post at the end of 2019, hinting that there was going to be a sequel to HeartBEAT as soon as it reaches 5k reads- which it did on January third, 2020- that was the day I started writing this story. Now, almost 11 months later it's done and HeartBEAT is about to hit 10k reads. As you already know, the HeartACHE series don't end with this book, there actually is going to be a third and final one in January and I am insanely excited to do this one last time. I am so beyond grateful for all of the endless support I have received from each and everyone of you, for all the kind comments and all the excitements. And even though I have not always been consistent with my upload days, you still stuck with me and were understanding. For you, I am just that girl on the internet that writes fanfictions, but for me you are so much more than those people on the internet that enjoy fanfictions- you are the people that enjoy reading what I have created, that are reassuring me that I have a space to be in this world, that I am appreciated and that my work is worth it. You make it all worth it- the stress of planning, the endless hours of writing, the long nights with my laptop- a "I loved it!", makes it all worth it and I am very thankful for that. I know that especially on this story, we are quite few people- but I couldn't wish for anything else. I love how you guys are so invested in the world I created, in the relationships I made happen, into the people whose personality I have developed. With NYABM I have created a space for myself to flee to, and it makes me so happy to see that it has become a place to flee to for some other people as well.

I think we can also agree that 2020 was absolutely crazy, but this story has been a constant part of my life through bushfires, riots, a pandemic and all the other thing that have happened. It gave me a lot of stability during those crazy times and I hope it could do the same to some of you.

Also, as some of you know, I dance myself so obviously all the HeartACHE stories are very close to my heart- but that is exactly why I portrait the dance world as so cruel. Because at a professional level, it really is even a lot more cruel. Despite dance being an absolutely beautiful sport and artform, in my opinion it is crucial to show the other side of it. Dance isn't just jumping around in leotard, it's blood sweat and tear, as well as an insane amount of hard work.

This story is also supposed to show you that you need to hold on to the things that make you happy and are important to you. Because no matter how much life punched Alec in the face, he in the end always had Magnus to turn to. And no matter how much Maureen criticized herself, Raphael was always there to tell her she was beautiful.

If you have read HeartBEAT, you know that book was basically about Alec- in this book, we had the side characters play a bit more of a role, which will be intensified in the final part. A fun fact is that Maureens and Raphaels Lovestory was not planned at all- neither was the cheating, Jonathan blackmailing Alec or Raphaels' grandmothers' death. When I now read through the booklet I keep all my story notes in, I can't help but laugh- it's a completely different story. And this is what I love about writing- no matter how much you plan it, it always turns out different- and better.

So, once again thank you so much for joining me on this and feel free to ask any questions in the comments or hit me up privately. I'd love to have a chat with you guys! Anyways, have a gorgeous evening and stay tuned for this years advent calendar story, posted on December 1st! Until then, stay safe and catch you then!

XOXO, AllyMaii

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