Chapter thirty

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"Hey! I've missed you!", Isabelle greeted and pulled her brother into a huge hug. "I've missed you too!", Alec sighed. Him, Simon and Maia were at Jace' and Clarys' place again to help building some of the final pieces of furniture. It was their day off and Alec was actually really excited to see his siblings again. "Hey bro! How's it going?", Jace aske and hugged him. His shirt was soaked in sweat and his hair kept on falling into his face. "Hi!"; Clary greeted and also gave everyone a hug. "I made tuna salad, I guess you guys can eat that, right?", she asked and Maia nodded:" You know it. How's the baby?" "The baby is doing amazing and now that the apartment is slowly but steadily coming together it is starting to feel real!", Clary said and made everyone sit down to have lunch. "How has everything been! You guys look done!", Jace said and Simon chuckled:" We kind of are. With everything that has been going with training, the younger students, the open house, Raphael and Maureen, studying- it just has been a lot." Alec noticed Maia gave him a weird side-look. "What has been going on with Raphael and Maureen?", Isabelle asked. She seemed genuinely interested which gave Alec the opportunity to eat in peace. "Maureen and him are kind of dating but they are having their issues because they are also partners and it's hard to separate their private and professional relationship.", Simon explained. "Why do they have to, though?", Jace asked. "Personally they match perfectly but professionally- I mean Maureen has a history of eating disorders and stuff and now she has gained a lot of weight which makes it practically impossible for Raphael to partner himself. They are just really struggling in with their partnering and Raphael is wrecking himself over it and in the end it will go into both of their grades so obviously both care but Raphael can't tell her. I mean, if Alec would tell me he is struggling and tell me I put on weight and I need to lose it, it obviously would be an uncomfortable conversation for the both of us but with food being such a sensitive spot for Maureen it's a little more complicated." Clary bit her lip:" Poor girl. I mean, I feel her. I had to give up so much for dance and when I realized that was not what I wanted and dropped out of NYABM, it was like my life really just started. And maybe dancing professionally isn't it for her either. There's no shame in re-orientating." Simon nodded:" I feel like she needs time to figure out what she wants, we just all have to pull it together for the open house." "Alec, you have been so quiet, is everything okay?", Isabelle asked and Alec cleared his throat- that was that with eating in peace. "Sure.", he replied and got an annoyed gaze from Maia for it. "Okay! How are things with Magnus?", Isabelle asked. Wow, that really was the one thing he didn't want to talk about. "It's fine. If you guys would excuse me, I  have to go to the bathroom.", Alec said and left the table. He could see How everyone exchanged confused gazes. Instead of going to the bathroom he went to Clary's and Jace' bedroom and dropped himself on the bed. He just needed a couple of minutes alone. Was everything ever going to be fine? He knew he had o forgive Magnus but he felt like he just wasn't ready. Not yet. "Hey there, big bro.", Isabelle said as she entered the bedroom. Alec groaned. "Maia offered to go look after you but I figured maybe I should come and be your sister for a little while. I know you were busy and I was busy but I always am here for you. And something is off, I can feel that. So please don't try to soak it all up, you're a damn good liar and maybe you can fool Simon but you can't fool me."Alec made space for his sister to sit down next to him. For a couple of seconds he just stared at the wall on his opposite. "Magnus cheated on me.", he said with a flat voice. For some seconds there was nothing but silence. "Alec, I don't know what to say...", Isabelle started but Alec shook his head:" You don't have to say anything. You asked me what was wrong and I gave you the answer. Magnus cheated on me while he was under the influence. That is all I know. I don't know when or with whom or how. I just know the man that I love the most cheated on me. And the worst part about it is that it doesn't hurt."  "Alec, I am so sorry.", Isabelle said and pulled him into a hug. Suddenly, something inside of him twisted. Ever since Magnus told him he felt nothing but numb. He had sudden outbursts of anger but it felt like there was pretty much no emotion left in him. But now, with his sisters arms wrapped around his body it felt like it all came back in one wave. Alec gasped as an enormous pain made him feel like his chest has been ripped apart. There was nothing to hold on to. With all the power left in him he returned Isabelles hug and pressed her against himself with all his strength, like a man lost in sea desperately holding on to his boats wreck. "He cheated on me.", Alec gasped and all the sadness, anger, pain and disappointment poured out of him in form of endless, hot tears running down his face and soaking his sisters dress. "It's going to be alright.", Isabelle whispered and stroke his back. His chest was trembling of tears and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "You're going to be alright.", she whispered and Alec slowly started to calm down. It felt good letting it all out. But it also hurt so bad. 

Hello beautiful people! I hope everyone is doing good! I just wanted to let you know that I added trigger warnings to the description of this story and also to HeartBEAT. If you feel like I missed something, please let me know! This is supposed to be a safe space and we don't want any unpleasant surprises. I just wanted to tell you guys that my private text massages are always open! If you feel like you need to talk to someone and you don't want it to be anyone you know that well because it maybe involves people for example all your friends know or you just feel alone I want you to know that you can ALWAYS text me to blow off some steam or to get an outside perspective. I hope you guys are holding up during hard times like these, sending so much love and strength!
XOXO, AllyMaii   

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