Chapter fourty-four

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"To the left, Alec!", Heidi commanded and Alec did as he was told. "Okay but guys, where's the fun in putting jars filled with glitter on the bar but not opening them?", Magnus yelled at a few year one dancers that helped with decorating for the midterm party. "It will be everywhere!", Emma disagreed. "And that, my dear, is the whole point!! Have y'all never been to a party before?" "Not one with glitter all over the bar.", Julian said quietly, though not quiet enough. "Well then you have a lame taste in parties.", Magnus stated and opened the glitter jars himself. Alec smirked- Magnus had a thing for glitter, obviously, and asking him to help with decorating and expecting it to be glitter free was as naive as putting your hand in boiling water and expecting it to be cooling. "Actually, we could have a glitter battle! You know, at the end of the night everyone could grab some glitter out of the jars and we could throw it around.", Magnus suggested. "I don't think-", Heidi tried to limit the needed cleaning effort afterwards but Magnus already set his mind to it. "Put it on the agenda!", He commanded and stepped a few steps back to catch a final gaze at what they have created- and to his own surprise he was pretty satisfied with the result.

"So, you're wearing this.", Magnus said and pointed at Alec's bed where he already chose an outfit. "I actually planned on-", Alec said and Magnus shook his head:" You didn't plan anything that's worth planning- this is a party!" Alec grinned. Why did he already expect not to be able to choose his outfit himself? "See, I found this tight orange shirt in your closet- I guess it's for running but honestly it looks great- you could wear that with black sweatpants.",, Magnus presented and Alec was actually surprised- that even looked like something he himself would pick out if he had some interest in how he looked. "That's great, actually.", He admitted and got rid of his shirt to see if the orange one even fit. "That's, uhm, tight.", He said, the orange stretchy sports fabric wrapping itself around his upper body like a second layer of skin. "That's not right, it's called hot.", Magnus stated and without a word disappeared to the bathroom. With a sigh Alec put on the sweatpants and glanced at himself in the mirror. He didn't look bad, he needed to admit. The shirt was tight enough to make his chest muscles look more defined than they actually were. You could see every muscle in his upper arms, his abs stood out as if they were gigantic. Now he could kind of see why Magnus liked it- it was very advantageous for his body type. And with the loose sweatpants it didn't even look too attention-seeking. "Are you done staring at yourself?", Magnus yelled out of the bathroom and Alec smirked- that guy could read his mind. "Do you need something?", He replied. "Yes, what I need is for you to get your ass over here!", Magnus screamed back and Alec knew better than to resist. "See, I messed up my hair and makeup and I don't really have the time to fix it so I need you to tell me I am gorgeous the way I look right now.", He said and turned around. "Mags, you always look beautiful but you want me to be honest, right?", Alec said and Magnus nodded. "Take it off." "What?", Magnus exclaimed in surprise. "The makeup- take it off. You're prettiest without it anyways.", Alec said and Magnus smiled:" A tiger has stripes, I have eyeliner- it would be weird just to go barefaced." "Then take everything off and put on eyeliner only- you will have enough time for that, right?", Alec said.
Magnus nodded and turned himself back to the sink. "Hey!", Alec exclaimed and grabbed Magnus by his arm to turn him back to him. "Hey. You are the moon and your beauty are the stars. Nobody would ever watch a night sky and notice if a star was missing- as long as the moon is there, everything is okay. You're my moon. I don't need the stars if I have you shining for me."

"Party people, let's see those hands!", Heidi screamed down from the stage and "Can't hold us" by Macklemore started blasting from the speakers. Alec looked around- it seemed like almost all students have come. "Here we go back, this is the moment!", The student body screamed, singing the entire song by heart. Whoever was responsible for the playlist this year did a pretty good job, Alec admitted to himself. "Wanna grab a drink?", Maia asked as she ran into him a couple of minutes later. "Sure.", He grinned and followed her off the dancefloor. She wore a short, flowy yellow dress with little petals embroidered on it. "You look great, by the way.", He complimented after they ordered two alcohol free piña coladas. "You don't look that terrible yourself.", She grinned, "although the sweatpants are getting a little old if you ask me." Alec laughed and thankfully took a sip of the freshly served drink. He could feel the bass of the music like his own pulse, beating inside his body. "This stuff is good!'", Maia said after tasting her drink. "It really is.", Alec replied and licked the slightly sticky and definitely very sweet drink off his lips. Suddenly someone bumped into Alec from the side, making him stumble and almost spill the drink. "Hey, watch it!", He scoffed, just before he recognized the person to be Julian, closely followed by Emma. "Hey!", Maia greeted with her premier league faked enthusiasm. "Hey guys! How's it going?", Julian asked, suspiciously open and padded Alec's shoulder as if they were best friends. Maia and Alec exchanged a questioning gaze. "Everything's fine. Are you guys enjoying yourselves?", Alec asked, trying to end the awkwardness. "Absolutely. Cheers!", Julian exclaimed and took a big sip out of the thermal bottle he pulled out if his hoodie. "What's in there?", Alec asked even though he already had a slight suspicion. "Vodka soda.", Julian whispered in his ear, "want some?" Alec shook his head:" No, thanks, I don't drink during the season. And neither should you."

Hello beautiful people! How's everyone doing? I hope you're holding up fine- how is the current covid situation where you live at? I would love to know! Have a great day!
XOXO, AllyMaii

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