Chapter twenty-three

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Ten hours earlier

Alec just left for training. It was Magnus' big day. Yesterday he received an email with the location. He also got told that Lorenzo would be there just in case something doesn't work out with Magnus. He felt drained and terrified. The only reason he got the job was because of the booster. And now with its effect gone he doubted he would be able to perform as well as in the audition. Magnus shrugged off his doubts and got dressed- he would give his best. And that will have to do. Half an hour later he arrived in a location that looked like an abandoned site. There was a huge silver mesh fence and some machines with dirt and dust on them. Next to it was a huge,muddy, yellow tractor and some cement blocks. "Hi, Magnus, so happy you found our shooting location right away!", the director greeted and gave him a hug. It was really weird, he remembered the director as a rather cold person but it seemed like he behaved completely different at shootings. "Thank you!", Magnus replied confidently. "Okay so the mask is over there, you will get your makeup and hair and then I will get the designer and he will pick out your clothes. We also decided to take a couple shots of you and Lorenzo Ray, but you are still the focus.", the director explained and Magnus smiled:" Amazing." Then he went where he was told and got his Hair spiked up as well as a very significant eyeliner. To be honest, he loved how that looked- a little editorial but definitely extra. "Hello, you must be Magnus Bane, right?", an older man with white hair greeted and Magnus nodded:" I am! It's such a pleasure to be here!" "I am Maxim Denante, the designer. Would you please follow me?", the man said and Magnus did as he was told. This was so exciting. "Here are your outfits, please out them on and come to the tracktor!", Mister Denante said and left Magnus alone. The first outfit consisted of a white, nearly transparent shirt and Yellow sweatpants. A really awkward combination in Magnus' opinion but as he tucked the shirt into the sweatpants he realized it looked kind of fancy. "Hey!", Lorenzo greeted out of nowhere. Magnus whirled around. "Hey.", He replied. "So, are you nervous?", Lorenzo asked and Magnus sighed- he was dying of tension. "A little.", He lied. "That stuff worked well the last time, didn't it?", Lorenzo smirked and Magnus sighed. It did. It really did. He already prepared himself to lie again but something inside of him told him not to:" Yeah, it did." "You know I always have more, right?", Lorenzo said and Magnus bit his lip- he knew. And that 2as the problem. He didn't want to do it again but at some point he felt like he wouldn't make it without it. One more time, he told himself, one more high to get this job done and then never again, he said to himself. "How much do you want?", He asked confidently but that confidence was as false as the snake leather on the back of the sweatpants he wore. "Fifteen bucks for one. Because it's you.", Lorenzo replied and grinned. "Fine.", Magnus said and took the pill. "Gentlemen, we have to get going!", The director yelled and Magnus and Lorenzo hurried out of the mask department. Magnus' solo shoots were first and he was doing his absolute best while waiting for the booster to kick in. "A little more energy, please! Fierce!", The director commanded. Just as Magnus thought he blew it, he felt the rushing wave of energy flushing his waves. Last minute but it worked. "Yessss! That's what I wanna see!", The photographer cheered and Magnus have him his all. And his all was a lot under these circumstances. His Legs felt as if the weighed nothing, his arms extended to a seemly inhuman length, his core was tight, his head over the clouds. He performed the living hell out of that tractor, He flipped in those cement blocks and he posed on the mesh fence as if he has never done anything else in his life. "Fantastic! Now the two of you! I want to see that chemistry!", The photographer cheered. Magnus has never felt that good about himself. All the colours seemed to vivid and everything was good and bright and happy. "Okay now press your foreheads against one another and give me those emotional eyes!", The photographer said and without thinking about what was going on Magnus did was he was told. His forehead touched Lorenzo's as he stared into his black, deep eyes. These eyes seemed to scream at him, saying they want him. He could feel the electricity running through their veins, everything seemed so unreal. "Passion!", The director screamed and Magnus looked at Lorenzo as if it was the only thing he ever wanted. The world seemed to be spinning, the sky seemed neon blue and the clouds had smiling faces on them. It was magical, like in a parallel universe. "Hold on to each other faces and then jump!", The photographer suggested and Magnus did as he was told. It didn't feel like jumping, it felt like flying. It was just him, the sky, the tractor and Lorenzo's deep black eyes. Suddenly, he found his lips on Lorenzo's. He had no idea how it happened but the next thing he noticed through the neon blurriness in his brain were Lorenzo's lips on his. And the little part of common sense left in him screamed:" Stop it!" And an image appeared. Suddenly Lorenzo's eyes turned blue and his lips got rougher. It felt like he was kissing Alec. In confusion He blinked- and then it hit him. He was cheating. He just cheated on the one man he loved. "No! I- I can't!", He yelled in confusion and jumped off the tractor. Then he started running. The last thing he heard were the photographer, the director and the designer yelling at him to come back but the only thing he could hear was his own voice in his head and the picture of Alec. "What have I done...", He whispered.

Okay okay I KNOW YOU WANT TO MURDER ME RIGHT NOW but I am not as evil as I might seem now. I am so sorry guys! Anyways I know ouguys are probably as heartbroken as me right now but, even though it's not the time and place I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for reading, voting and commenting. It really means a lot more to me than you probably think. I don't take any of it for granted and I am soooo grateful for you! If you want some amazing Malec fanfictions you need to check out magnuswayland , you probably already know her but she is an amazing writer who I am proud to call one of my closest friends. I learned so much from her and her stories are sooo good so in case you didn't know her yet, check her out! Have a nice night and don't worry about Malec-true love always wins...


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