Chapter fifty-nine

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"Hey, Raph, it's me. It's only Alec. I- I am so sorry. We don't have to talk if you don't want to, just let me give you a hug. Let me be there for you. Please.", Alec begged and knocked against Raphaels dorm door. Raphael has locked himself in and wouldn't open the door. After Raphael left and Valentine came back without him, Valentine explained that Raphael has some private affairs to sort out. But by the way he spoke, Alec could tell things weren't good. The rest of the practice everyone remained awkwardly silent. After the lesson, they collectively decided it would be best if Alec would try to get through to him. And since that, he has been at Raphaels door, begging for him to let him in. "Raphael, whatever it is, it's going to be okay.", he tried, but it was hard comforting someone without knowing what caused their pain. "No it's not, Alec. Some things aren't going to be okay. Some things can't.", Raphael whispered from the other side of the door. Alec could hear that he sat right next to the door, probably leaned against it. Alec exhaled in relief- even though it wasn't a calming one, it was the first response he has gotten from his best friend. "Let me in, Raphael. Let yourself talk to me. You can't bottle things up, we have all tried and look where that got us." "There's nothing to bottle up. Some things are final. Some things are irreversible.", Raphael answered. His voice was flat and rough, as if he has been holding back tears for quite some time. "Tell me what I can do for you, okay? I will do anything, I promise.", Alec sighed in worry. "Leave me alone, Alec. Let me process. I need this time by myself.", Raphael whimpered. Alec could sense it was getting too much for him: "I am not leaving. You are not alone. I will sit at your door until you say you are ready. And even if that means to sleep on the hallway floor, I promise I will." "It's okay, Alec. We are all alone in the end. And I need to start accepting that. This is my problem and when I am ready to talk I will ask you. But you don't need to make your whole life about me. Life is unlasting. Enjoy it as long as you have it." Alec swallowed hard. "Not a chance, Raphael. I am staying as long as I have to. Because that is what best friends do. And because I care about you." 

"Any news from Alec?", Maureen asked. Her, Maia and Simon have gathered in the lounge as Alec has promised to update Maia. Maia shook her head. It has been hours by now. "Text him.", Simon suggested. 

"What's the situation?", Maia texted.

"Sitting on the floor by his room, he said he doesn't want to talk. I promised I am waiting.", Alec replied. 

"At least he hasn't done anything stupid.", Maureen sighed in relief.

"Any update on what has happened?", Maia texted back


Simon exhaled deeply. "At least we have Alec up there, making sure someone is taking care of him- even if it's through a locked door. 

Another three hours later, Alec has eventually fallen into a very slight sleep, sitting on the floor, his back steadied against the door. "Come on, Alec, get into your room. Get a good night of sleep, you need the rest.", Luke woke him up. "Nah, I'm good!", Alec replied and sighed. His neck has gotten completely stiff and his back hurt from the uncomfortable position. "You're a great friend.", Luke said in an admiring tone. A few minutes later he came back with a blanket, some water, tea, a sandwich and a heating pillow. "Thank you.", Alec sighed. "Sure.", Luke replied, "That's the least I can do. If you need anything else feel free to call me, even if it's the middle of the night, okay?" "Okay.", Alec sighed and wrapped the blanket around himself. Then it was him and the dark hallways again. He stopped trying to calm to Raphael hours ago, as he had assumed he might have fallen asleep. Based off of what he has said, Alec assumed someone has died. And he could very well understand how Raphael felt, if that was the case. When he lost his little brother, it felt as if someone had violently ripped out his heart and stomped on it until it was nothing but a squishy, bloody mess. It was a feeling he wouldn't wish for anyone to experience. The hours went by and Alec had no idea what he did all night. He has fallen asleep multiple times, but has always been woken up by his surrounding. Eventually, at approximately three AM Maureen stepped by. "You're still going strong, huh?", she whispered. She looked exhausted, her face swollen, hair up in a messy bun. Alec looked down to her, she was wearing sweatpants, fuzzy socks and a sweater. By her appearance he would have assumed that she just woke up, but something was telling me she hasn't gone to bed yet. "Yeah, I am trying to.", Alec sighed. "He really deserves a friend like you.", Maureen said and slid herself down the wall on Alecs opposite until she was sitting on the floor. "You didn't sleep yet, did you?", Alec asked and Maureen shook her head. "I can't.", she said, "And also I don't get to. You're being here for him like I should be. I can't count how many nights Raphael hasn't slept in order to comfort me when I wasn't feeling well. The very least I can do is support you while you are doing my job. So if there's anything I can do, please let me know." Alec swallowed hard and painfully felt his dry throat. "Could you get me some more water?", he asked. "I'll be right back.", Maureen replied. But he didn't witness her return as he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.   

Hello beautiful people! What do you think about Raphael's and Alec's friendship? I mean it has been there since the beginning of HeartBEAT but I feel like there were only few chapters where that was the focus. Would y'all like more chapters about Raphael and Alec? Let me know!
Have an awesome fall day,
XOXO AllyMaii


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