Chapter nineteen

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"Good morning.", Magnus whispered in Alec's ear. It was a good morning. It could only be a good morning if it started with cuddles. "How late is it?", Alec mumbled. "Seven, as usually.", Magnus replied. "Why does it feel so early, then?", Alec asked. "I don't know.", Magnus replied and blew a kiss in his boyfriends lips. "Come here.", Alec sighed and made space for Magnus to crawl into his bed. He smelled like deodorant. Alec blinked. "Wait, did you already get ready?" "I was woken up by the sun.", he said and laid his arm around Alec. Alec turned his head and realized it indeed was really sunny outside. "You should maybe get going.", Magnus said and Alec yawned. "Come on, you lazy cow.", Magnus chuckled and pulled away the blanket. "Rude.", Alec sighed and got out of bed. There it was again- the sharp pain in his knee. Alec winced. "You good?", Magnus asked. "Yeah.", Alec replied and grabbed his dance bag to go to the shower. A quick shower and some basic hygiene later, he was good to go. While searching for his deodorant, he found a roll of kinesio tape in his bag. "There's no harm in trying.", Alec shrugged and quickly taped his knee like he did last year. "Want to catch breakfast?", Magnus yelled. "Be right there!", Alec replied and put his sweatpants on. 

"Hey, Magnus, haven't seen you down here for a while!", Maia greeted and pulled him into a hug. "Hey bro.", Alec hugged Raphael, "How's Maureen?" "What happened?", Magnus frowned and Maia quickly filled him in. "Oh crap.", he sighed. "That's what I said. I tried to calm her down and we spent the whole evening together. Eventually, she fell asleep in my arms so Simon had to sleep in Maia's room." Alec smiled:" That's so sweet. I guess she's coming later?" Raphael nodded:" She'll come to practice." "Where's Simon, then?", Magnus asked. "He said he would get up later.", Maia shrugged and Raphael burst out laughing:" He so isn't capable of that! I bet he's asleep again." Alec glared at his watch:" Well technically we have still twenty minutes until we have to get to practice, we can come upstairs and give him a nice wakeup speech." "Waittttt-", Maia said with a suspicious grin on her face. "Oh hell yes.", Raphael grinned and got up. "Wait, what's the plan?", Magnus laughed insecurely. "So, Simon once told us he had a nightmare he would be late for practice and Valentine would come to wake him up.", Maia started explaining, "So the three of us have been planning on pranking him for a long time. That's why we recorded Valentine yell at him in practice a couple of times. Once he actually screamed 'wake up' so we made an audio of Valentine screaming his name. We could go upstairs and play it really loud." "You guys are evil.", Magnus laughed, "But this is brilliant." "It does have its perks to actually live in here.", Alec laughed as they made their way upstairs. They tried to be really quiet to not wake Simon up before the actual prank would start. "I'll record him.", Magnus whispered and switched on his phones camera. As expected, Simon laid in his bed, peacefully snoring. "Three, two, one, action!", Maia whispered and pressed play. "WAKE UP! SIMON LEWIS, IS THIS NYABM OR A SENIOR CAMP! WHERE'S THE MOTIVATION?!" Simon jerked up in bed, screaming and covering his face with his hands. "Surprise bro, your nightmare became reality!", Raphael laughed and Simon sighed in relief:" You almost killed me. I literally thought I was going to die. How late is it, anyways?" "Well, you have to be at the basic training room in fifteen minutes.", Alec replied. "OUT!", Simon yelled and they did what they were told. 

"This morning was fun, wasn't it?", Maia laughed as Simon arrived to basic training class. "Well, not for me.", Simon replied and laid down on the floor. "Okay, so as I got the pleasure to torture both year one and two today, I decided I might motivate you with a warmup battle! We will do squats, pushups and crunches and you will get together with your partner. Whoever is the first one to give up gets a point. Which means, you can maximally get 3 points, that if you get defeated in every discipline by your partner. While you stretch, I will do the Maths and if year one has more points than year two, they will have to do three more circuits in the circuit training in the end. If year two though gets defeated by year one, they will have to do three extra circuits. For the sake of your team, do your best!", Jocelyn commanded and started counting the pushups. She really knew how to motivate her dancers. Obviously, one of the older dancers wanted to get defeated by the newbies and the younger ones wanted to prove themselves to their mentors. It really was a smart thing to do for competitive people like dancers at NYABM. Alec easily defeated Julian in the pushup and the crunch discipline but when it came to the squads he started to struggle. It wasn't hard on his legs, but a sharp pain shot through his knee every time he completely bent it, like required in the squads. This was like hell. When did it start? There was no accident and what started out as slight discomfort started to really bother Alec. Luckily, Julian gave up quite quickly so Alec could stop torturing himself. 

Year two won the challenge so they could go to their rooms twenty minutes earlier which gave them forty minutes to prepare for their next class. Up next was Contemporary history- luckily nothing physically demanding. The pain in his knee grew to be almost constant. When he wanted to change into a fresh pair of sweatpants he realized it was slightly swollen and a little red. Alec sighed in annoyance and took an icepack out of the fridge- that would have to do so far. 

Heyooo! I hope you are safe and healthy! You maybe notice the real plot is about to start but don't roll your eyes- it's not about Alec's injury this time. There is something very different coming! I am so excited as I have been struggling to get the plot going but with this chapter I feel like it really started, even though you maybe don't notice it yet. Mayne it doesn't seem like this but HeartBREAK will be very different from HeartBEAT plot-wise so hang on! I can't wait for you guys to find out what I have in mind!

Hopefully you are not too bored in quarantine and not too overwhelmed with schoolwork! Keep smiling babes! Have a good day!   

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