Chapter twenty one

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"Guys, do you have a couple of minutes?", Raphael asked after class and pulled Maia, Alec and Simon aside. "What's up?", Simon asked. Raphael seemed extremely nervous so it seemed to be big news. "Sooo,", he started, "Maureen and I went to another room to practice our lifts a little more during lunch break. As I have been struggling with her new weight we thought it would be good to take some privacy, practice and talk through things." "And?", Maia asked nervously. "Well, she sort of told me she was crushing on me.", Raphael said full of excitement. "That's amazing! What did you reply?", Simon cheered. "Well, I kind of told her I was crushing on her too and I was thinking about making the move but then those year one students came into the room and ruined the moment.", Raphael sighed. "Oh damn. Well, did she say anything in response?", Alec asked but Raphael shook his head:" It all got really awkward and she said she had to be somewhere so she left. And now it's really weird and I have no idea what to do." "Are you serious?", Maia laughed, "Go ask her out! Tomorrow after practice! Just ask her if she would want to watch a movie!" Raphael blushed:" Do you think a movie is a good idea?" Alec shrugged:" I mean you could also go for a walk through Manhattan in the evening, Magnus and I did that not so long ago and it was really nice." Raphael nodded:" Thank you so much! I will ask her tomorrow. Now I will have to go upstairs and finish my Sports Science homework." "Yes, me too!", Maia said and hugged everyone goodbye. A couple pf minutes later Alec finally dropped himself on his bed. Only a few seconds later, his phone beeped. He got one new text from Julian:" Big assignment coming up- meet us in five minutes, tumbling room one." Alec sighed and rolled his eyes- this had to be a joke. But apparently, it wasn't as someone started to persistently knock on his door. "Coming!", Alec yelled and struggled his way back out of bed only to find Maia waiting for him with a furious facial expression. "They have to be kidding us, right?", she asked and Alec just shrugged:" Whatever. Let's just get this over with. We will help them with their assignment and leave an hour later. Magnus will be coming back from his audition and I want to get stuff done before that." "Me too.", Maia replied and both of them got moving. As they were walking down the stairs, Alec felt that well known twinge in his knee and winced. "Are you okay?", Maia asked. Of course she noticed. "Yeah.", Alec squeezed out between his lips, trying not to limp and waiting for the pain to stop. "You sure? You look, uh, tight.", Maia said and stopped walking. "I'm good.", Alec said and kept on walking down the stairs. "I see your limping, Alec. Spit it out.", Maia said. Alec cursed on the inside. "My knee has just been a little sore these past days, there's nothing to worry about.", he lied. "Your knee? The right one? You better not be lying to me.", Maia said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Alec stopped and leant against the entrance hall's walls:" Yes, the right one. But I told you, don't worry. I have it under control." Seeing Maias doubtful look he rolled his eyes and added:" Actually under control. Can we just get moving and get this over with?" "If you say so.", Maia replied and entered tumbling room one where Julian and Emma were already waiting for them. "Finally.", Emma sighed and got straight to the point:" We have to make a 1.30 ballet combination with the theme 'Levels' and Julian and I thought we could maybe include all levels from low, like a plie, to high, like in the air while jumping, so we could experiment with different heights. We were thinking, maybe you could show us some epic jumps?" Alec sighed and noticed Maia giving him a concerned look. "Okay, well, what about you show us what you have got?", Alec asked, trying to buy themselves some time. "We haven't got anything. We need the jumps from you.", Julian said and Maia took over by showing them some jumps they learned last year. Twenty minutes later Alec took over. He felt really uncomfortable as he noticed Maia watching his every move closely. During a spin jump, the twinge in his knee reappeared and Alec gasped quietly in surprise. Not quiet enough for Maia to not hear it, though. "Practice this, we'll be right back, Alec can I talk to you for a minute?", Maia commanded and left the room, followed by Alec. "Don't even try to cover it, Alec. Have you gotten it checked out?", Maia said, sounding pretty mad. Alec sighed:" Not yet, but if it gets worse, I will." "Promise? I can't have the same scenario repeat itself again.", Maia said, a little less angry. "Promise. It's just a little swollen and sore, I'll ice it, put on the bandage and I will be great in no time. Don't worry, and don't tell anyone please.", Alec said. "Fine. I trust you. And I recommend you don't betray that trust. Now go upstairs and rest your knee, I'll finish with Julian and Emma myself.", Maia said. "It's not that bad, I can...", Alec tried to explain but Maia cut him off:" Exactly. It's not that bad now and we don't need it to get worse over something as unnecessary as teaching Julian and Emma. Go!" "Thank you.", Alec sighed and gave Maia a hug. As he wanted to unlock the room to his apartment, he noticed Magnus was home already. "Hey Magnus, how was the audition?", he asked and a smile lit up on his face. Magnus came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but boxershorts and a big, bright smile:" I got the job." "Really?! Oh my god, I am so happy for you! Well deserved!", Alec cheered and gave him a hug, "If I would have known sooner I would have cooked and we could properly celebrate!" "We can celebrate even without food.", Magnus grinned and pushed Alec onto his bed, "Take your shirt off. We are going on a ride." Alec smirked- well that was a way to end the day.     

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