Chapter fifty-four

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"Okay, let's have one last freestyle together! Twenty minutes until our performance!", Jia said and everyone gathered around in a circle. Alec looked around at everyone- she saw Gretel not wearing tight clothes for the first time, Simon who finally dropped his dancer-pokerface, Maia who he has never seen dance without a bun before, Magnus with eyes that sparkly and Jonathan actually joyfully smiling. Jia stepped in the middle of the circle and pressed play. The waves started rolling though her body, her hair flying in different directions. Alex was mesmerized by her movement- it all looked so natural on her. The way she ball-changed, the way she did her body rolls, the way she accentuated her moves. She finished her freestyle with a spin and pointed at Jonathan to continue. His moves were a lot sharper, intenser, stronger, way more controlled. It looked like he knew exactly what he was doing and when he looked in Alec's direction to free the dance floor for him he saw a glimpse of that familiar evil grin of his. Despite the shudder running down his spine Alec slid in the middle of the circle and immediately filled the whole place with emotion. His dancing was completely on the contrary of Jonathan's. While Jonathan's moves were sharpy fast and abrupt, Alec was moving as if he was surrounded with water. All his motions were smooth, fluent, melting into one another. Right before the beat dropped he linked gaze with Magnus who immediately got the hint and started his best power moves. Over and over Alec was fascinated by his way of moving- strong, determined but so light, as I'd he was fighting on a cloud. It was paralyzing, almost.

"I had a blast with you guys. We have a kickass choreography and all of you gorgeous performers. Now go out there and show them ballet dancers can do it all. Go kill it!", Jia cheered after the freestyle was finished and they were backstage. Alec took one last deep breath, high-fived Maia and gave Magnus a good luck hug- now it was their time to be breathtakingly amazing. "The next dancers setting this stage in fire are professionals.", Alec heard the slightly older man on the stage proclaim- he was the moderator of the fundraiser. "They are going to present a HipHop- Breakdance choreography to you now. The twist ja- they have been doing HipHop and Breakdance for two weeks only. And you might ask yourself- how does that work? Well, let me spoiler you- they are NYABM dancers, helping us out with this fundraiser in their project week. The following dancers, dear audience, are ballet and Modern dancers who learned how to breakdance in two weeks. Let's see how that worked out! Give it up for the NYABM group taught by Jia Penhallow!", He finished. Jia peaked through the curtain. "The stage is clear! Break a leg!", She whispered. Then, the music started blasting out of the speakers and everyone ran onstage. Nobody thought about the moves anymore, they have become part of their blood and flesh by now. Alec looked around- everyone was adding their own twists and style to the choreography. For pretty much the first time ever, they got to pick their costumes themselves. Alec went for an all black outfit consisting of sweatpants and a shirt while Maia went for Yellow baggy pants and a neon pink sweater on top of a white shirt. "You're dancing the dance, yes. But the choreography is just your tool. What you really are doing is expressing yourself.", Jia always said in practice and for the first time, is finally made sense to Alec. The outfit, the way they danced the moves- it depended on the person. Unlike in ballet, the goal was not to make it all look perfect and unanimous, it was about showcasing each person's features and strengths. And that, Alec actually really enjoyed. Alec threw himself on the cold dancefloor- now it was time for Magnus' solo. He could see drops of sweat running down his temples but there was no exhaustion in his face. In fact, there was nothing but passion. As expected Magnus killed it- this might be the smoothest run they have ever had- and they were on a stage, at this fundraising event, performing, right now. With a last boom, Alec let all his body tension go- this was it. They made it. He made it. Magnus made it. All of them made it through- with excellence. "That was THE BEST run we have ever had!", Jia cheered as she pulled all her sweaty, smiling dancers in a hug. "We really killed it!", Maia cheered and everyone started chanting. Things almost went too smoothly, in Alec's opinion.
Magnus snuck out of the warm-up room and hid backstage in order to watch the pole dancers performance. Even though he could only see the show from the back, he was fascinated - they made it all looks so easy and natural- as if the human body was mainly made for spinning around a pole. Judging by the audience's fascinated facial expressions, Magnus assumed they felt the same way- it would have been odd if they wouldn't have. There was something hypnotizing about watching the show- if was almost calming to watch, even though it was nowhere near a peaceful performance. Suddenly, Magnus saw the glimpse of a  shadow in the outer corner of his vision field- a man, he assumed. And he looked weirdly familiar. There was something that reminded him of Asmodeus, but before he could take a closer look to support his theory, the shadow disappeared as if it has never been there. "Probably just my mind playing games.", He sighed to himself and drew his attention back to the pole dancers and their finishing trick- an impressive slide into a split. The people started clapping and whistling in enthusiasm. Magnus couldn't help but chuckle- splits did always do their job.

Hello beautiful people! What are your thoughts on this chapter? And what about all those hints? You are going to find out on Friday- see you then!
XOXO, AllyMaii

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