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"What do you think will happen after the universe comes to an end?" I asked Casey as we walked towards the less used part of the ground.

"Well... The scientific answer is quite complicated but according to me, the world would fall still, every bit of existence, every mark left by us shall perish and no one will know about us. It shall be a piece of the cosmos, dark and strangling." he said as we sat down.

"What if we don't get enough time to interact with people we want to?" I asked him as I looked in his eyes.

"Well then we'll have to learn to be spontaneous. Not to miss any chances," he said.

I sighed as I put my head between my hands.

"Rose... Everything alright?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know... I mean I am confused," I said.

He squeezed my shoulder.

"What is it?" he asked.

"You know the fact that Theodore didnt even actually talk to me earlier but he claims to have noticed me. Is he way out of my league?" I asked him. He sighed as I looked at him.

"I wouldnt say anything about this. You know for the fact that people need to be spontaneous... If you like him, say it. Or it'll be too late." he said and smiled looking in the distance at a kitten.

"So maybe I was thinking-" he spoke but I spoke together with him.

"You are brilliant... Thanks," I said as I squeezed his hand and smiled, waving and walking. I rushed over to the stands and sat caught up with him as he tied his shoelaces.

"You and I need to talk," I said.

"After the game... I need to play," he said smiling as he rushed over.

I thought as to what I wanted to ask him.
(A) whether he likes me?
Too straightforward.
(B) why was he ignoring me?
I could work with that.
(C) whether he just pretended to like the date?
Pretended was a harsh word.
(D) whether he was ashamed of being my... Whatever he was?

I sat there wondering. He got out soon enough as he rushed over to the locker's room.

I sat alone as he came out later sporting a blue crew neck t-shirt. He threw his gym bag on the seat next to me and sat down.

"Speak," he said.

"Well... Um... I guess we need to clear things up," I said as I immediately forgot what I had planned on asking.

He nodded.

"The thing I want to ask all links upto whether... Do you even like me?" I asked him. He turned to look at me. His eyes looking straight into mine with a sense of something that couldn't be expressed.

"Do I like you? Yes," he replied.

"Then why didn't you call me? Text me?" I asked him.

"The thing is that girls usually have to call me," he said.

"Are you imposing the fact that I have to call you? C'mon this ain't the show for your misogyny," I said.

"I am not imposing any misogyny. I just want to say that I am a little uncomfortable," he said.

"Uncomfortable being with me?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"No... Uncomfortable liking someone," he said as he got up and slung his bag over. He walked out as I comprehended what he had said.

I sighed and rushed over to him.

"I'm sorry... I may have been a little hurtful to you," I apologised.

He didn't reply just kept walking.

"Why does it happen like this? When I genuinely like someone, they are flabbergasted to know that someone like me can date them." he said.

"We went on a date a month ago, we need to label as to what it is," I said.

"I can't label it. I am fearful of commitment. I screw up," he said.

"Are we just playing around?" I asked him.

"We haven't even kissed yet! I don't know! I have no idea as to being in such a relationship!" he said as he walked away. I stood rooted on my spot.

Is it wrong saving my first kiss for someone special? My first love? Is it weird?

Is it weird that I am waiting for a soul mate even though they probably exist just in fairytales?

I sighed as I walked back picking up my supplies as I texted Casey to bring back Skylar. He texted back immediately saying that he had to talk.

I texted back asking him to schedule a time we could talk in privacy tomorrow since I'd be working today.

He didn't respond so I closed the locker and went to the parking lot. There were 3 envelopes on my car, 1 with a rose.

They probably were for Skylar. I picked them up and stacked them inside the glove compartment. My eyes fell on one as I opened it.

Dear Rose,

Well... We haven't talked that many times but I just want you to know that my brother is chickening out to ask you to be his date. I know that I am proabbaly using wrong spellings or grammar or something but he was happy when he went out with you. He couldn't stop bragging about it. He is a bit of a maniac but he is sincere for his heart-felt feelings. Give him a chance. You won't regret it.


PS. Don't tell him about this or he'll kill me. He would be afraid that I'll charm you out of your wits and you'll prefer me over him.

PPS. Your smile is beautiful.

He had even drawn a winky face at the end if the letter. I smiled and clutched the letter feeling the paper slip between my fingers.

It was probably my first love letter, not technically from the one who wrote it but since Carlos and Theodore were so close, I have to cut them some slack.

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