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"You are breaking the sacred code between brothers... Going with your girlfriend rather than you friend..." Carlos said as he smiled.

"I am gonna be hanging out with both of you. It's not a big deal Carl!" I said.

"I didn't know that you were this serious with her," Carlos said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know... You are taking her to meet your friends which are not exactly the people she'd rather socialise with," Carlos said.

"Why wouldn't she? She is not someone who'll judge me for my friends," I said.

He wheezed.

"What?" I asked.

"You seriously think that she is gonna be cool with you meeting people who reek of cigarettes and drink underage or talk about nothing but sex?" he asked.

"She isn't all judgemental like you think she is and besides she has already drunk underage with me," I defended.

"Has she had sex, like ever?" he asked. I had no reply.

"Bro if you seriously believe that she is going to be with you even after knowing what kind of guy you are, you are fucked... She is poster girlfriend. One who is smart and talks well. One who you can parade around as a trophy but not someone who's seriously be involved with one of us," Carlos said.

"You don't know anything about her. For all I know is that she is a better girlfriend than all those gloss-addicted sluts I was sleeping with. You don't know that about her," I said.

"I am not saying that you can't trust her. But I don't want you ending up the same way you did in California," he said.

"Haley was no way like Rosalie... She was selfish. She isn't like Rosalie," I defended.

"You seriously think that if Rosalie is given the same opportunity to study in a better, reputed university, she'd decline it for love? Grow up. Rosalie may not be just like Haley but she can be just as mean as her. I don't want you ending up in bars with fake IDs," Carlos said as he looked at me.

"Am I too deep in love to know what's going on?" I asked.

"No... You are too deep in the abyss to know about the difference between the warmth of the light and the coldness of the abyss," Carlos said.

Carlos and I hung out for another half an hour before I drove back home. All the way through the right, I couldn't think of anything but Haley. I scaled the stairs and walked into my room.

"You are early... Um...," Rosalie stuttered trying to quickly close the book as a photograph of hers fell down.

"No. Looks like I spoiled the fun of you prodding my room," I said as I took the book from her.

"I didn't know it was such a big deal... I just wanted to close the drawer. I am sorry," she apologised.

"No... You the fuck aren't!" I said as I threw the book on the bed.

"Is something wrong? Can I help?" she asked.

"I am not a child so can you please stop this kiddish act that you have going around here?" I fumed.

"Whats wrong with you? Should I come later? Give you some space?" I asked.

"Do the fuck that all the girls do... Space? Time? Shut the fuck up. Just leave if you want to," I said.

"I have tried being gentle but this is stepping the lines now... You are not allowed to talk to me the way you just did," she said.

"What am I to you? You have been giving me mixed signals all along," she asked.

"You are the one giving me the fucking signals. If it weren't for the goddamn you, I'd still be normal..." I said.

"What do-" she said.

"Shut the fuck up, Haley..." I said as I pulled the duvet off the bed. I sat down on the bed with my head between my hands. I looked up at Rosalie as she stood panting, from rage and holding her tears.

"Fuck!" I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"Theodore... Am I the one trying to hold the thread of us together? Are you not in this? Do you wanna... Let go?" she asked as she wiped her tears.

"I am so fucking sorry..." I said as I looked at her.

"Don't do this. Don't look at me. Don't fucking look at me after yelling at me from the moment you walked in. Don't look at me when you give me the answer," she said.

"I... Let me explain-" I started.

"The goddamn answers," she said.

"I want to. I mean-" I stuttered.

"A clear yes or no. That's all I ask. I have been holding this thread, stretching myself for it but it feels like you are letting it go. Everytime you remove a finger, the pressure exceeds onto me. I don't want to be in the dark for something that cannot work," she said.

"I want to... I want to so bad. I just don't know whether I am the one for you," I said.

"Don't care about being the one. There is no one. There is only a moment that becomes the one. All 7 billions of us are just variables to the one. Only a true passing second, a moment, can be the one. It shall never return. I don't want another 'one'. The one that has me here was a product of countless tick-tocks of the clock. It is a product of days and nights and dusks and dawns... I don't want another one. Because I worry that I'll find something more surprising than this one and I shall let go. I shall forget about the one that made me reach out to the one. I can't do that," Rosalie said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I am but before that I need some answers. I don't want to force you into whatever mess we are. Don't you owe me one?" she asked.

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