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"Um... I...," I stammered.

"Its alright if you don't want to go with me," he said.

"It's not that. You are great. I mean... I was asked out by Theodore Payne and I actually promised him," I said.

"Oh! OK," he said but he clearly was not okay with it.

"You can go with Skylar," I said to break the silence.

"It's fine," he replied.

"I really sorry," I apologised.

"Listen Rose... You know that I have always had good intentions for you. I always have cared about you. I don't want you getting hurt with Theodore because people like him change girls like tissue papers," he said.

"Are you saying that I am making a wrong decision?" I asked outraged.

"No... I trust you but I don't trust him. He does that!" Casey said.

"Well.. I can make my own decisions," I said as I got up.

"C'mon let's not fight like kids!" he said.

"You initiated it!" I huffed and walked away. I got into my car and slammed the door shut. I couldn't however bring my hand to start the car.

I waited as he came out almost instantly. He opened the door and got in.

"That was uncalled for... I am sorry," he apologised.

"Don't apologise... I am sorry. Thanks for looking out for me but I really want to explore this," I said.

"What I did was uncool... But please take care when you are with him. He isn't one of us. He could seriously hurt you," Casey said as he took my habd in his, resting it on my thigh.

"You are a true friend Casey. I love you," I said smiling. He grinned.

"Well... I have to go now... Did you drop off Sky?" I asked him.

"No... She went with a guy. Tall, muscly, brunette, blue eyes." he described.

"Oh... You take minute details of the face into account..." I winked and added, "Are you gay?"

He laughed as he swatted me. He got off the car and stood in front of the car.

He waved before leaving. I started the car and drove off straight to the house.

I got in and picked up the mail. I opened my laptop checking for the financial ones.

There was the electricity bill.

I paid it off Mom's card and went back to my room.

When we had shifted here just after the split, I could hear faint sobs from Sky and Mom's bedrooms.

I would walk in to see Mom hugging sleeping Sky, weeping. She was afraid that we wouldn't be able to hold up.

We had lived a life of extravagance before. Plush mattresses, assorted chocolates. We had everything from a Barbie dreamhouse to video games.

Mom was afraid that Sky would miss out on all of it.

I settled in my chair when I forgot that I had my laptop charger in Sky's room. She had taken it yesterday for watching Cinderella. Ironically, Cinderella had nothing but got everything when she married her prince. Sky had everything but lost it when my Dad started resenting his marriage to Mom.

The good thing about Skylar was that she'd always find some way to be happy. She strictly believed in the existence of fairytales.

I couldn't blame her for believing in a version of a less fucked up world.

I got in her room and removed my charger from the socket.

Skylar's room radiated energy and peace. The ceiling has white clouds along with the upper part of the walls. The rest of it was painting light blue. Her window was just in position to act as a Sun. When the Sun went down, one could see light stars on the ceilings. They blinked because they were mirrors positioned at angles to shine under the moonlight. Her bed had a yellow bedspread. A dream catcher she had made herself would hang above her head and the one I had made hung by the window. A cabinet full of books and a white chair with a desk was in the corner.

The room always smelled partly of grass and yellow sunflowers. She used a perfume. She would spray it and walk into the sprayed particles smiling.

She is an idiot. I looked out of the window when I looked down. Theodore stood in the patio smiling waving his hands to catch my attention.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Come down!" he screamed.

I closed the window and the blinds and switched off the light. I rushed downstairs and put on a coat. I grabbed my keys before walking out.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Be my girlfriend," he said.

"Are you forcing me to?" I asked him.

"No... I like you... I want to date you... Hence, be my girlfriend!" he said smiling.

"You do know that you are labelling it, right?" I asked him.

"I know and I don't care. I like you. You like me. I want to be your boyfriend," he said.

"But we need to know each other more before we start labelling this thing!" I argued.

"Believe me... We know each other more than we think we do," he said.

I couldn't speak anything.

"Say something... Dont freak me out!" he said.

"Are you high on caffeine right now?" I asked him. He spoke too fast.

"Be my girlfriend. That's what I am asking for!" he said.

I opened my mouth before walking back into the house and closing the door. I shut him out as I looked out of the keyhole. He paced for some time before he left.

Theodore was spontaneous. He was the definition of being high on caffeine. He is a good guy. He wouldn't think of it. He would break things up. He would run around playing. He was a good guy.

Casey's words echoed in my mind. I didn't know Theodore that good. I knew I could trust him but the boundaries were smudged.

I was right or maybe wrong...

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