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I looked at her face as she smiled, her eyes closed and her hands pressing the keys.

Her eyes opened and I looked straight into them. Her eyes had a shade of warm brownish shade resemblent of chocolate. Her face was round and chubby. Her face was one of those that'd hold your stare for a minute but then get merged back in with the rest of the crowd. It was better than me. I was always dragged out of the shell.

She raised her eyebrows as i realised I had been staring at her. I just smiled and focused on playing the cello. Once we completed our piece, we heard applause coming over from an end as others joined.

The Principal then walked up on the stage as I put my hand forth to help her get down the stage. She muttered a thank you as I nodded. I took her over to the front of the stage and made her stand in front of me. She nodded as i put my hand on hers.

She smiled as we listened to the announcement.

"Dear Students. At this homecoming, we rejoice our victory for the season's football match. A shout out to the captain and the rest of the Knights. Second announcement is regarding the Head Girl and Head Boy for the school. The names were suggested by the teachers and a poll was taken leading to-" the Principal got interrupted as someone shouted," Just announce it!"

"The Head Boy for this year, representing our school is Casey Sanders who is needed to report on the stage along with the Head Girl Rosalie Bloomingham," the Principal said.

Casey smiled as he walked by Skylar before speaking something in her ears.


"What is the problem with you?" Rose asked as I looked at her.

"That's right. I have all the problems because I am not perfect like you guys. I am a human unlike you," I said as I got up and started walking away.

"It was just a dance. He was feeling lonely so I stepped in. Big thing," she argued.

"This isn't some sort of fight that you need to win. It concerns us. I don't like him," I declared.

"He is my friend so deal with it," Rose said.

"I don't want to. You know what, let's extinguish whatever is going on between us. I am tired of trying hard. It's better if I stay like I always am. I shouldn't have asked you out," I said.

"If you resent it so much, then you needn't have sent Carlos in to talk to me! To hell with this nonsense! I like you. I have liked you from a really long time and now I feel trapped and suffocated and that's not how I wanna feel," she said.

"For fuck's sake go away! Now! Walk away and get back your freedom," I said as I pulled the tie off throwing it on the ground. I sat there, my head in my hands.

"It's hard for me to trust people easily," she said.

"Not my fault. We are over. Just walk away from here," I said.

"I can't. I am not one of those who walk away. I don't want to walk away because I genuinely like you," she said as she moved closer to me, her hand on my shoulder.

"I like you as well. But I can't stand Casey trying to win you over," I said.

"He is just my friend!" she argued.

"Who wants something more! That's exactly what I have been saying!" I said.

"I know him better than you. I am pretty sure he is just protective," she said.

"And I know this better. The way he looks at you and laughs is distinctive from what Carlos and I do!" I said.

"How can I make you believe me?" she asked.

"Except you can't... Just go away and don't waste the rest of the night wasting like this,"I said.

"I am not wasting my time." she replied as she squeezed my shoulder.

"What do you wanna do then?" I asked.

"I want to do this. Right now, with you," she said as she leaned in towards me, her lips dangerously close as she pecked me on the lips. Just for a nanosecond as I looked in her eyes.

"Aren't you afraid? Weren't you saving it for the one?" I asked her.

"Shh..." she said.

"I am terrified but it feels like this is what I want," she said as she pulled back.

I looked in her eyes as I pulled her towards me before kissing her.

She was sloppy and had a different concept about kissing. Her mouth was soft and warm and tasted somewhat like an ice cream.

She pulled back.

"Fuck it!" she said as she leaned in again but this time I put my hand on her lips.

"Savour it. Don't devour it," I urged her. She smiled. I heard a cough as I looked to see Casey standing in front of us.

"The Head Girl is being called. Run fast," Casey said as Rose smiled looking at me before I joined her. We walked back to the stage as she went up and the invited Head Girl put the sash on her chest. The applause followed as Dakota walked up to me.

"I heard that Rose kissed you," she said.

"She did and its none of your business," I replied.

"Aren't you gonna boast about it? You took Rose to our side," she said.

"She still is and will remain her conscious self and mind," I replied.

"Didnt know you knew so much vocabulary," she said.

"Shocked you didn't I? I hope you learnt something from today's talk. Whatever we were, is gonna be a history. Whatever schemes you are plotting, drop them," I said as she smirked walking away.

I applauded Rose as I walked over to Skylar.

"I need to talk to you. Tomorrow at 5? Your porch?" I asked.

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