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"C'mon... I don't need a new dress," I argued as Mom thrust the money in Rose's hand.

"At least let me handle my own money," I said.

"Didn't you drop off two quarters in the drain the last time I gave you loose change," Rose said as she poked my chin. I pouted as Mom smiled.

"C'mon darlings let's not start this here... Rose I want you to buy her something pretty. Don't let her buy herself that unicorn onesie," Mom warned.

"You know me so well!" I said as I hugged Mom from behind as she kissed my forehead.

"Gee Mom... Its just shopping. Not a war," Rose replied as she straightened from the island.

"She doesn't know how hard it is for us," Mom whispered.

"Nor will she ever will," I whispered back.

"What are you whispering?" Rose asked as she grabbed her coat and tossed me mine.

"We gotta go go go," Rose said smiling.

"Did you give her caffeine? Overdose?" Mom asked. I shook my head as I wore my coat and walked up to her. I picked up my sneakers and waved Mom.

"We can take the bus," Rose said.

"I guess we can," I replied.

I tried to interlock my fingers with her but she didn't let me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Well... How do i say this... You are going solo to Homecoming," she said.

"Why?" I asked her.

"I am going with Theodore. You and Casey can go together," she proposed.

"You and Theodore are getting serious?" I asked her.

"This is something I am novice at... I think we are," she said.

"Oh... Don't worry I am going with Aiden." I said.

"Aiden?" Rose asked shocked.

"Yeah... We are going to be playing together on stage so it'll be better if we arrive together," I said.

"Hold up... I am not quite catching up. Aiden asked you out?" she asked.

I nodded.

"What is his father's name?" she asked.

I replied the information I had known about him.

"PI Rose Bloomingham, its alright." I said as we aboard the bus. She let me sit next to the window and sat down next to me.

The bus was sparsely populated and we could sit comfortably.

We then walked upto the mall.

She put her hands on my shoulder as we walked into the store.

There were so many dresses. Blue, gold, silver, green, black. As black as charcoal and as white as the whitest white?

Rose took me over to another rack by the mirror and the changing rooms.

"We can start here... But let's chat so we won't get bored," Rose said as I sat down.

"How was school?" I asked.

"It was the usual. What about you?" Rose asked.

"Its good. I am tired though. I need a vacation," i replied. I could pretty much see Rose smiling.

"What about this one?" she asked pulling out a dusty rose one for me.

"I don't think that it would suit me." I said.

She looked at it but it was back in the rack.

There were a few more people shopping for dresses but not many in our section.

I got up and looked around stopping at one.

"I found one," I said. Rose scooted over to look at it.

"It's pretty," she said caressing the material of the dress.

"But it's blue," she said.

"Yeah. It's perfect." I said.

"You have worn blue dresses to this from a really long time. I don't think that wearing one again is the solution, not when you are on stage," she said.

"Please?" I asked using my puppy charm.

"Well..." she said taking a closer look at the dress.

" she said taking a closer look at the dress

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It was light blue with intricate detailing. Sphagetti strapped and just flawless.

"Please?" I looked at her again. She smiled as she handed me it.

She nodded and pushed me over to the changing room.

I slipped into it. It felt beautiful.

When Mom and Dad were together, Rose would wear beautiful dresses for dinner when he came back home. It's weird seeing her now mostly in a tee and a pair of pants.

I opened my hair and let them flow down naturally.

You know what they show on TV that the girl opens her hair and they fall down in beautiful curls over her shoulder, it happened.

The opposite happened. My hair came onto my eyes restricting my vision. I sighed and opened the trail room.

"Demon invasion?" Rose asked looking at me with one eyebrow up.

"Rose..." I said as I walked over to her. She sighed and put her hand forth. I gave her the scrunchie as shs pulled my hair up nicely.

"Just like the old times," she said smiling as shs twirled me.

"This time you have a date... You have to look awesome," she said giving the dress a thumbs up. I smiled as I walked back into the trial room changing out.

Rose wasn't there in front of me.

I looked around the store but I couldn't find her. I picked up my phone and called her. Her phone buzzed in one of the stalls. She was probably changing. My phone rang. It was Aiden.

"I came over to your house. No one's here," he said.

"I am sorry. I forgot to inform you... I am with Rose, shopping for Homecoming," I said.

"What'd you get?" he asked.

"Let's say it'll be a surprise!" I said excitedly.

"Fair's fair. I won't tell you what I am wearing either," he said.

"What options are there? You are wearing some sort of pantsuit." I said.

He laughed.

"Fair enough," he said laughing.

"I'll send it to you later," I said.

"I'll wait for it," he said. Moments passed of silence between us. Did we just flirt?

"Bye," he said finally.

"Bbye," I replied.

"Toodles," Rose said.

"Holy mother-" I said turning to look at her.

"Naughty Sky... Did you just flirt with that guy?" Rose asked.

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