Dare #42

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*Qibli walked in his room, and was face to face with a complete copy of himself*

Qibli: Huh? Since when did I have a mirror?

*Qibli reached out to touch the supposed mirror, but however, he only touched a snout like his own*

Winter: Don't boop the snoot!

Qibli: What the hell!? *pulls back*

Qibli: Winter!?

Winter: Yeah, it's me.

Qibli: But, why do you look exactly like me?

Winter: .....I was dared to take the form of the dragon I love the most.

Qibli: Aww! Also, finally!

Qibli: So, what are you gonna do now?

Winter: Nothing. I'm gonna stay, until I return back to normal.

Qibli: Oh.

Winter: If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a snack from the kitchen.

Qibli: OK.

*Winter walked out into the kitchen, while Qibli stayed in the room. Once in the kitchen, Winter was about to search for food, when someone barged in*

Thorn: Qibli!

Winter: What?

Thorn: Thank moons! There you are!

Winter: Uh, I think you made a mistake--

Thorn: There has a been a dragonbite viper breakout in one quarter of the Scorpion Den, as an Outclaw, it is you job to help contain the danger. Are you in?

Winter: Fuck no--

Thorn: Good *drags him from his arm*

Winter: Nononono! Wait! MY SNACK!

*Winter is dragged out of the house, just when Qibli came into the kitchen*

Qibli: Winter?


Thorn: Winter! Grab by it's head!

Winter: But that's where it's fucking teeth are!

Dragonbite Viper: *hiss*

Winter: OH HELL NA!  *bolts away*

Thorn: *grabs him* Oh no, you don't! C'mon, help subtract the poison from your fellow Outclaw.

Winter: Are you sure, he seems fine.


Winter: See....fine.

Much later:

Qibli: It's almost midnight, I wonder Winter is--

*Winter suddenly burst in, looking ruffed up and exhausted*

Qibli: What happened to you.

Winter: Well, you were supposed to help with a dragonbite viper problem, but the fuckers brought me instead!

Qibli: Ouch! Sorry about that.

WinterYou have no idea the shit I went through. I had to suck poison out from dozen Outclaws, and to make things worse, most them had the poison in their--

Qibli: Oh! I don't need to know that!

Winter: Anyway, I'm going to bed *walks off*

Qibli: Good news! You'll be turned back in a matter of minutes.

Winter: Fan-Fucking-Tastic. I wish that happened before I lost innocence when literally trying to save someone's ass.

Qibli: Well, some good came out of this.

Winter: Like what?

Qibli: I'm the dragon you love the most :3

Winter: Shut the fuck up!

Qibli: Love ya, too!

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