Dare #130

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Winter: Which one of you fuckers took my snacks!?

Winter: Fish Breath?

Turtle: Not me!

Winter: Beetle Muncher?

Qibli: No!

Winter: TREE RAT!

Kinkajou: It wasn't me this time!

Winter: Girl who lost her chance at a great man?

Moonwatcher: Really, Winter?

Winter: If isn't any of you, then who is it?

Qibli: We don't know. But for some reason, everything has been disappearing lately.

Kinkajou: *gasp!* You think something is behind all of this?

Winter: Please, don't be--

*click! click!*

Everyone: ...

Turtle: What was that?

Kinkajou: I think it came from that hole.

*She pointed the hole in the wall, that was as big as their heads*

Winter: Where did that come from?

Qibli: Let me check inside it.

*Qibli approached it, and knelt down slipped his head in*

Qibli: I don't see--


*Qibli pulls out of the hole, and staggers back*

Winter: Whaaat the fuck!?

Qibli: I saw glowing eyes! And whatever was in there hissed at me!

Kinkajou: Hmmm. Sounds like a cat. I'm gonna go check.

Qibli: Don't! It'll eat you alive!

Kinkajou: Hush now, crazy.

*Kinkajou slipped her head in the hole*

Kinkajou: Oh! I see the glowing eyes!

Qibli: Don't look directly at them! They might turn you to stone!

Kinkajou: Hey there! Kitty-- Wait a minute!

*Kinkajou pulled back, and then punched the wall. The whole wall collapsed*

Qibli: MY WALL!

*with the wall gone, it revealed Saber behind it*

Saber: Hey.

Winter: YOU!

Saber: Me. *eats chips*

Winter: Are those mine!?

Saber: ...

Saber: *flees*


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