Dare #129

736 15 3

Winter: OK, time to raid the scavenger empire.

*Winter sneaks into the empire*

Winter: OK, this should be easy, it's only a little scavengers.

*Winter turns a corner, and suddenly confronts a million dogs*

Winter: ...

Winter: And a million bitches.


Turtle: Where's Winter?

Kinkajou: I think we went to go ambush an empire.

Qibli: What!?

Kinkajou: Relax, it's a scavenger empire.

Qibli: OK, maybe he'll handle it then--

*Winter barges in, a hundred dogs chewing on his scales*

Turtle: Jeez...

Winter: Well, we have a hundred dogs now!

Qibli: Winter, we are not keeping all these dogs!

Winter: I'm more thinking on the ground of cooking them.

Qibli: Still, no!

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