Dare #83

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*In a deserted island, covered with fog. Suddenly, the Jade Winglet fell onto it's shore*

Winter: Fuck!

Kinkajou: Owie!

Moonwatcher: Where are we?

Qibli: Let's see here: dark scenery, fog everywhere, bad smell. It's obvious....we're in New Jersey.

Kinkajou: NOOOOOOO!

Turtle: Guys, we're not in New Jersey. Look!

*Turtle pointed at a sign sticking out off the ground*

Turtle: *reads* Welcome to Sea of Thieves, beware of skeletons.

Winter: A haunted island? Fuck!

Qibli: C'mon, we shouldn't lose hope so soon. Maybe, we can--

Oh~ Dragons..

Winter: Huh?

*They turned towards the reef, and saw dark silhouettes perched on a rock in the distance*

Come swim with us~ We want to meet you up close.

Turtle: For some odd reason, I have an urge to swim with the pretty voices coming from the reef.

Moonwatcher: No! I know what's happening. Those are sirens! They want to drag us into the ocean, so they can kill us!

Winter: Is that so?

Winter: Don't worry, I know how to deal with this.


Come swim with us~

Winter: Fuck off! You bunch of manatees! Before I come up there and slice your faces off!


Bitch! I hope the fuck you do! We'll fuck you up!

Winter: Are you fucking threatening me? Assholes, you better have a damn ambulance ready!

Bring it on, Frost Face!

Winter: Grrrrrr!

Winter: Once I get there, I'm gonna beat your asses!

*Winter stepped into the water*

Qibli: Oh my god, someone stop him.

Turtle: On it.

*Turtle dragged Winter away from the water, and the sirens disappeared*

Winter: Hey! I was going to teach them a lesson!

Turtle: How about, we don't try to get killed.

Kinkajou: Well, at least the sirens are water bound, and they're the only thing here.


Jade Winglet: ...

Moonwatcher: Didn't the sign say there were skeletons?

Kinkajou: I spoke too soon...


*at Jade Mountain Academy*

Tsunami: Hmm. Things seem a lot more peaceful here, I wonder why--

*The Jade Winglet suddenly bursts in, covered in seaweed and wearing skulls for hats*

Tsunami: Ahh...it's because they were gone.

Tsunami: What happened to you guys?

Winter: We got abandoned on an island, fought skeletons, I punched a few sirens...you know, the usual.

Kinkajou: I also found a treasure chest.

Tsunami: Wow! So, what are you gonna do after all of that--

Jade Winglet: NAP!

Tsunami: Not surprised.

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