Quidditch (harry potter AU)

557 13 27

Word count: 860 words!


Squad 312


Auri - Griffindor
Kal - Griffindor
Ty - Griffindor
Cat - Griffindor
Scar - Slytherin
Zila - Ravenclaw
Fin - Ravenclaw

Btw Kal is human (sorry). He's the exact same, just minus the purple blood, silver hair and pointed ears.

Cats POV (ooo something new)

"Auri. Auri. Get up." I leaned over Auri's bed, shaking her.
"Cat, whaddya waaaaaaant..." She slurred, rubbing her eyes.
"C'mon. Late night quidditch session."
"Cat no. Go back to sleep." She groaned, turning over, making her back face me.
"Cat yes. You go to Ravenclaw and Slytherin to get the others, I'll attempt to wake the boys."

She grabs her wand and her firebolt, and throws on a black hoodie and done sweatpants, and walked off, grumbling.

This was gonna be fun.

Auri' s POV

Im flying over the grounds, grumbling in Chinese at the fact that why can't I get a good nights sleep.

After successfully getting Scar, Fin and Zila,  and almost getting caught by Flitwick, we're all flying in the direction of the quidditch pitch, ready to meet Cat, Kal and Ty.

When we reach the stadium, Cats already turned on the lights, and has set up a muggle music speaker.

"The hells took you all so long?" Cat smirks, pulling up next to me.
"Sneaking into two dorms is what took me so long!" I say, rolling my eyes.

I watch as Scar, Zila and Fin go down to the ground and turn on the speaker, blasting Good Girls by Elle King. They wouldn't be playing the game.

"Scared, Brannock?" Ty says
"You wish." She replies.

It's Kal and Ty against Cat and I. The other three are on the team, but I play for fun. I'm bloody brilliant as quidditch, but huge competitions aren't really my thing.

I hear Scar and Fin commentating while arguing who's better. Zila is just watching and operating the music.

We're only using the quaffle, to make everything easier.

Zila walks over to us and says:
"Now, I want a nice, clean game, but I know it won't happen, so may the odds be ever in your favour."
She throws the quaffle up in the air, and the game begins with Kal snatching the ball.

Cat manages to get the quaffle off Kal (I  know, stealing from the hottest beater on the Griffindor team was unheard of)

She passes the ball to me, and as Kal tries to grab it from me, I smirk at him and do a series of complicated twists to send him spiraling down towards the ground in confusion.

I score, and do a little loop the loop to celebrate. It was first to three to win, and so far, Cat and I were winning.

Cat grabs the ball, and prepares to make another shot when Ty grabs it midair, and speeds towards his  goal. Cat and I zoom after him, but Kal blocks me, allowing Cat to get through.

Oh, my stupidly hot enemy, you don't know what hit you, I think, before I plunge into a steep nosedive, suprising Kal.
Not so smart, are you now?
He dives after me, but it's too late, I'm already far ahead of him.

Cat kicks Ty's broom, and as he hangs one-handed in his broom, Cat steals the ball and makes another goal.

She lets out a shout of delight, as Kal struggles to help Ty back onto the broom while we taunt them, quaffle in hand.

When Ty manages to get back on his broom, the game snaps back into action. Cat speeds to the goal but Kal and Ty stops her. I race behind her broom and take the ball, flipping my broom back and diving underneath the boys.

Kal knocks my broom, and I fall down. By some lucky instinct, I manage to grab onto the broom one handed and kick the ball, and it lands perfectly in the goal.

"WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!DID YOU SEE THAT GOAL!" I scream, punching the air while still hanging from the broomstick.

We all glide down toward the grassy floor of the arena, greeted by the others.

"Shit, girl, that was one hell of a goal!" Scar says, and then punches Fin on the arm. "I told you soooooooo! Pay up!"

Fin sighs and hands her a few galleons.

"Guys, we should go before someone catches us. C'mon!" Ty says, and speeds off towards the castle.

I hang behind, and sit on the grass, staring at the starry night sky.

"Hey, Auri." Kal says softly, as he kneels down to sit next to me.
"Shouldn't you be heading back to the dorms?" I question him.
"Shouldn't you? Anyway I just wanted to say....." He trails off, and pauses, almost..... hesitant?

And then he kisses me.
He kisses me with a thousand unspoken words, and promises.

It was beautiful.

After I break the long kiss, I murmur
"Looks like not did I only capture a win, I also caught your lips."
He gives me a small, sweet smile, and kisses me again, more softly.

I am so glad Cat dragged me out here.

Ooooo, two updates in a day! Go me!

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