Dear Aurora

316 10 35

This is written in voice logs, over a period of time after Auri died.
I'm not very good at writing grief, buuuuut...yeah.

Word count:
792 words


Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Laleth Aurora Gilwraeth
The woman flicks on the old, rusted uniglass, wiping away the thick layer of dust, and sets aside the black jumper and the glittering ring that wrapped it up safely.

When the Uniglass whirs to life, she sees a open tab full of old recordings, the first dating back twenty years.

She presses on it, and the sad, broken voice of her father speaks through the tinny speakers.

Day One.
Dear Aurora.
You left me a week ago.
Scarlett has suggested that I talk to you, on my Uni, to try and ease the ache inside.
I miss you.
I love you.
Why did you leave me.

Day Ten.
Your funeral was today.
I tried not to cry. I tried to show that I was strong. For you, for the squad.
But I did. I let the tears fall.
I'm so sorry, Aurora.
I'm so sorry.

Day Fifteen
Everyone is hollowed eyed. The rest of the squad shuffle around the Zero, lost in their grief.
I have not left my room in four days.
Why is this world so cruel, my dear?
Why did they take you from me?

Day Seventeen.
I left my room today. I did a slow walk of the Zero.
I am making progress.
Catherine looks much better, thanks to you.
But I can't help but think, if it wasn't for her, you would still be alive.
It's selfish, I'm aware, and you would be sad to think it but...yes. If I could, I would trade her life to have you back.

Day Twenty Five.
I left the ship today. We docked at Sempiternity.
But I got in a fight.
I needed something to take my anger out on.
Five more souls gone to the void.
But I can't help what I am, beloved.
And I am ashamed.
What would you think of what I have become?

Day Thirty
The nightmares were already bad, but they're horrible now, with you not there to calm me.
I'm starting to get scared of myself.
I really am a monster.

Day Thirty Two.
We received medals for our bravery.
They gave me your medal, too.
When we got back to the ship, I cried for void knows how long.
I hate being this weak.
But I allow myself to grieve for all that was and will never be.

Day Fourty Five.
I smiled for the first time in a month.
It was the smallest thing, just watching Scarlett and Finian tangled together after watching movies.
This is my squad, my family.
Our family of broken hearts and lost dreams.

Day Fifty Three.
I was cleaning out your wardrobe today.
I found the jumper that you told me you didn't steal. I had to bite back the tears on my lashes, for fear that I would ruin one of the last things I have left of you.
I need to move on.

Day Sixty.
Finian came into my room to talk about you. He's sad. I know that he  was like a brother to you.
We talked about all the adventures we had with you, all the little things that you used to do.
I suppose it was supposed to make me feel better, but now I miss you more than ever.
Why did you leave?

Day Seventy Eight.
These are getting less frequent, because I have had an idea.
I will be helping the free Syldrathi, giving them medical supplies, food, water and a new life.
I am calling it the Aurora Foundation.
It's what you would've wanted.

Day Eighty Nine.
Tyler and I have made arrangements to set up a refugee camp on Alexiis II. There, we can send Aurora Legion squads to help, and we will be asking for volunteers.
Thank you, Aurora, for showing me that I can be kind. That I can stand up against my past.
I love you.

Day One Hundred and Ten.
The first camp had been doing well, with over a thousand refugees living here, and still hundreds coming here everyday.
I am doing something good.

Day Three Thousand and Nintey eight.
Hello? Is this thing on?
I am Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeths daughter. He was killed by an Unbroken attack a year ago.
Thank you for giving me one last piece of my father.
This is Laleth Aurora Gilwraeth, signing out.

The woman sighs, and tucks the uniglass into the black jumper and slips the ring on her finger.

"Thank you, Aurora," She says, and turns out of the tent, and into the waiting crowd of Free Syldrathi, with a new sense of purpose.

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