AHH (apocalypse hype house)

244 11 15

Okay so me and Cinnclair were joking about this so uuuh here you go.

Word count:
439 words


Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Tyler Jones
Finian De Karran De Seel
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Zila Madran.

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"Requesting permission to kill you, Sir?" Kal says, fire in his eyes.

"Wait nO-"

Hold up.
I should probably start from the start.

Anyway, hi, I'm Auri. Your probably wondering how I got into this situation.
Well, it all started twenty minutes ago...

We were all in the loungeroom, vibing.
Zola was on her Uni, FaceTimeing her girlfriend, Olivia.
Scar, Fin, Kal and I were watching a horror movie together, and Cat and Ty were in an intense card game in the corner.

My head was resting on Kals shoulder, and his arm was around my waist.

"We stan Reddie." Scar says, knowing I'll understand what she's saying.

"We stannnnnn." I reply, with a smile

"...What?" Kal says, looking down at me with confusion.

"Never mind." I mutter, and continue to watch the movie.
"Hey, Captain Hotness, can you grab us a drink?" I shout, but cover my mouth a second later, as I realise what I just said.

"I mean, Ty, can you please grab us a drink?"

Fin and Scar have to cover they're laughter, but I see tears streaming down their cheeks, eyes crinkling.
"Captain what?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh." Is all I can say, as my mind flatlines.

"Aurora. Explain. Now." Kal says.



"Um, back before I met you, I kinda sorta....liked Ty? Yeah. That's what I called him."

"But I mean, she wasn't lying on the whole hot part." I hear Cat call.

Kal untangles himself from me.
"Permission to kill you, sir?"

"Kal nO-" I hear someone call, before a fistfight breaks out between Kal and Ty.

Well, I wouldn't call it a fight. More like Kal beating Ty to a pulp.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Zila pointing her Uni at the fight, probably showing Olivia.

Fin crawls over to me.
"Good job, Stowaway. You should probably break up the fight between Captain Hotness 1 and Captain Hotness 2 though, before they kill eachother."

"Uuuuuuuh, yeah, good idea."

I stand up and hold out a hand, and the fighting stops in a swirl of blue and silver light.
"Forget." I whisper.

Kal and Ty's face go blank as I wipe the memory, but the others are still staring.
I shrug my shoulders in an apology, and everything goes back to normal.

"I'm never letting you forget this." Fin whispers.

"Great." I mutter.

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