Back to the Court of Shadows and Stars P.3

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Part three:

Word count:
772 words

Angsty fluff.

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as an Illuminae member (Human)

Scarlett Isobel Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Tyler Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Cat 'Zero' Brannock as an Illuminae member (Human)

Finian De Karran De Seel as an Illuminae member (Betraskan)

Zila Madran as an Illuminae member (Dwarf)

Lila James as the Court of Stars Queen (Human)

Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth as an Elven Prince (Elf)

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Elven Princess (Elf)

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"WAKE UP LOVEBIRD!" Fin shouts, his breath freezing in the cool winter air.


"YesyesyesyesyesYES!" Fin shakes me awake.
"Today's the day your gonna see your prince!"

"But what if I don't want to see my prince?"

"Shut up you would love to."

"Oh mothercustard..." I mutter, and let Fin drag me up and out of my tent.

The sky is black, and the only source of light is the fading embers of the fire and the lanterns that illuminate Cats face.

Figures rush past me, and I assume that they are Zila, Ty and Scar. They're not human, and have heightened eyesight. Much better than a regular humans.

I summon a small, pulsating yellow light to my hand, and put it out in front of me.

"Were" I turn to Fin.

"Duh." He says, and puts his back to me, his exosuit shining.

He turns back around, and dumps a bunch of bags into my arms, killing the light.

"Take these to the horses, get em suited up."

"Yeah, yeah."
I turn and go to where seven horses are tied to a tree, their colours differing so much that some seem like a beacon of light in the dark, and some seem like just another shadow in the gloom.

I saddle them, and start stuffing blankets and weapons and food into their saddlebags for the trip.

"Five more minutes, guys! Let's move!" Ty shouts, and we all rush to our horses, leaving behind our home.

"Beep beep Sleeping Beauty." Fin says as he rushes past me to go to his horse.

I carefully stow my dress and it's accessories into my bag, and we're all off on the long ride to Syldra.


We have to go all the non-traditional ways to avoid guards, like crossing through Octavia, where the cannibal Ra'haam clan lies in wait in the trees, and through Emerald City, where the worst criminals and gangs rule the streets.

We eventually make it, two days later to Syldra, and we camp about seven kilometres away from the Warbreed Palace.

We all sit down, too exhausted to make a fire. I give out blankets to everyone, and within minutes everyone is asleep, lost in a world of endless dreams and a refuge from reality.


I wake to see that everyone is still asleep, except for Ty, who is watching Cat protectively, making sure no harm came to her.

"You really love her, don't you?" I ask him, sitting up.

He pauses, realising that it's me.

"Then why don't you tell her?"

"I was scared I guess."

"Of what? She loves you, Ty. So, so much."

"I know. It's's never right y'know? Like, always running and stuff?"

I nod my head, slowly.

"I wanna live my life with her. But a house, settle down. But I can't do that...not now."

"Of course you can! Build, like, a cabin in the woods and stuff."

"No, not that. Just, in trying to keep all of you alive, y'know? It's kinda distracting from the fact that I want to live out the rest of my life with Cat."

I lean over and lightly touch his arm.
"I'm always here, Ty, if you wanna talk. And I'm suuuuure Scar would love yo plan the wedding."

"Oh shut up."

I smirk and look to the rest of our family, still lost in a world of dreams.
"We should probably wake them up. We have a looooong day of preparing."

He nods his head and shakes Cat awake, her faux hawk mussed and her tattoos shining on the firelight.

I turn and shake Fin, leaning over to whisper in his ear.
"Wake up dumbass."

He groans and bats my hands away.



"Get over yourself Fin."

His whining has woken up Zila and Scar, and they sit up, blinking away sleep, hair mussed.

"Well, kids, lets get this shitshow on the road!" Cat cries.


Hi! I won't be updating on the weekend because I'm going camping, but I promise that I'll get some updates out.

Love yourself!

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