After the war headcanons ✨

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Yes, I'm probably going to do a one shot on this. I don't know.


Kal falls into a coma, but Auri manages to wake him.

The squad captured Cat, and with Auri's last psychic power, she brought her back.

Auri died. I know, it's sad, but killing 22 planets will do that to you.

Scar became a peace advocate for the Unbroken and Terra, forging a peace treaty in 2395, 15 years after Auri died.

Cat becomes a galaxy-wide known ship racer. She became rich, but donated her money.

Fin became a engineer, and invented an even better suit for people suffering from the Lystergia Plague.

For a couple of years after, the squad worked on building stations like Tiernan Station for homeless Syldrathi, and later it was named the Aurora Foundation, and it was run by Kal.

Ty became the leader of the Aurora Legion.

Zila became a world-known scientist, responible for making cures for some of the most dangerous plagues on the planet.

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