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Okay back to the jokes.

Word count:
690 words


Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Tyler Jones
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Finian De Karran De Seel
Zila Madran
Cat 'zero' Brannock

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

It was coming up on April Fools day, and I had the perfect prank planned.

Kal was out, getting something and everyone else was home.

"Can everyone get down here?" I shout, and hear footsteps heading my way.

"Whaddya want Stowaway?" Fin drawls, and leans on the doorframe, while everyone streams in.

"So, I need your help. I wanna play a prank on Kal." I say.

"I thought this day would never come." Scar sighs.

I smile.
"So y'know how Kal hates being called anything but his name? Yeah, just call him Legolas. He'll go insane."

"That is a great idea. Except for the fact that we get bashed by a six-foot-seven angry elfboy." Cat says.

"He won't. Not if I'm there." I assure her.

She tilts her head, weighing her options.
"Sounds fun. I'm in."

"Yeah, same." Fin says. "Though I'm not too sure on who Legolas is."

"I'm in." Scar says, a mischievous smirk playing on her face.

"I do not see the point in this, but I will not ruin your fun." Zila says, solemn.

"M'kay." Ty says, through a mouthful of food.

"Hell yes! This is gonna be fun..."


"Hey Legolas." I say, with a wave as Kal walks in.

He heads towards me, and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Hello, Be'shmai." He murmurs.
"Though I do not know of this Legolas that you speak of."

"What are you talking about? Your name has always been Legolas."

"I do not think so."

"Did you hit your head out there? Of course it is. Your Legolas Idraban Gilwraeth."

"My- my name is Kal."

"You sure you didn't hit your head out there?"

"I am sure, Aurora."

"Mhm, I'm gonna send you to the Med bay, L. Maybe you have a concussion."

I untangle Kal from me, and lead him towards the Med bay, where Zila is stacking bandages.
"Hello, Legolas."

"What- I am- My name is not-." Kal stammers.

"I think he hit his head when he was out, Zee. Can you check up on him?" I say, a mischievous light in my eyes.

"Of course, Aurora." She gives me a secret smile.

I kiss Kal on the cheek.
"Hope you feel better, Legolas. I'm gonna go get snacks."

He nods his head, uncertainty glittering in his violet eyes.

The plan was working.


"Legolas! Can you get over here? I need combat strategies." Ty shouts, hunching over a hologram.

Kal had got out of med bay a while ago, and is now munching on some milk chocolate.
"For the last time, my name is not-"

"Ty, he hit his head when he was out. He thinks his name is Kal! Can we have a break from military strategies right now?" I shoot him my best smile.

"Oh, of course, Auri. Feel better soon, L." He says, and shoots me a wink.

"Thanks, Ty."

We walk off, and in the hallway I pass Fin.
"Heyyyyyy, Lassie!"

I double over in a fit of giggles.

"My name is not Lassie, or Legolas." Kal says, his voice dead serious.

"Oh-oh my god." I say through giggles.
It's ten times more funny when you hear your dead-serious, sexy, Elven warrior prince of a boyfriend say 'Lassie' with a straight face.

"Mmmm, pretty sure your name is Lassie." Fin says.

"Finian! Stop being a bastard." Scar calls from her room.

"But it's so fun to piss off Lassie."

And with that last word, Kal totally loses it.

Fins eyes widen, and he gulps.
"Mmmaybe we should stop before we're all killed."

"Yep." I agree, in a small voice.

"Mhm." Scar says.

"Ooooookay, I'm gonna back away very slowly now." Fin says, and breaks into a dead sprint.

I take off after him
"Sorry, Kal!"

"Dontcha mean Legolas?" Fin pants.

"Shut up."

aurora rising one shots, volume one. Where stories live. Discover now