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"Sade's, you know we'll be fine." I tell her.

"I..I know."

She leans in and straightens my black unbroken armour, and fixes my hair.
"Come on, let's go." She says, and we stride out of the door.

The two commanders of the biggest ship in the Unbroken fleet.

We enter the hangar bay, and the thousands of Syldrathi that we're waiting there stands to salute.
"Alright!" Shouts Saedii. "We're going to march on the Aurora Legion."

Murmurs run through the hangar bay.

"Shut it!" I shout, and everyone goes silent.

Saedii continues laying out the attack plan for the soldiers.
I shoot her a smile, and she pauses her plan to smile back.

She wraps up the presentation, and barks at the soldiers to get ready.

We head out of the hangar bay, and to the bridge, where workers are rushing about like ants.

I touch her arm, lightly.
"Saed's, I want to fight."

She looks alarmed.
"No! Of course not."

"And why is that? I've passed all the training sims, I've aced the flight test, surely I can fight!"

"No, Aurora! And that's final."

I stare at her, dead in the eyes.

She sighs.
"I'm coming with you."

"Yes!" I cheer.

An Automated voice spills through the PA system.
'Fold entry in T-minus 10, 9, 8~'

The voice continues to count down, and with a shudder everything goes black and white.


An hour later, Saedii and I are strapped into the pilot seats of a Lias-Class stealth fighter.

"Listen up, kids. We are entering Aurora Academy space now. Prepare to fight." I pause, and add a little "Goodluck."

Saedii nods, and we rip out of the fold, hundreds of ships following us, and we open fire.

We can hear screams and shouts over comms.
"They got me! I-" One screams.
"Unbroken." One whispers.
One simply goes out with a curse.

"Go, go, go!" I shout to myself, as I spin the ship past the enemy's defence, and Saedii gunning them down.

With a crash, we slide into the hangar bay, leaving a rip in the side of the academy.

I pull on my envirosuits helmet, and grab my disruptor gun, Saedii at my side.

We stride out of the ship, and into the zero grav, towards the airlock.

I cycle it open and wait for the soft, reassuring ping that gives us breathable oxygen.

I rip off the grey helmet and toss it onto the floor.

Saedii grabs my arm, and we push open the door that leads into the pristine corridors of the Academy.

There's screaming in the distance, and alarms are wailing on the PA. The dim red emergency lighting lights up the hallways.

"Go!" Saedii says, and we sprint to the control room.

We kick open the door, flanked by a group of Unbroken, yelling for everyone to hit the ground.

aurora rising one shots, volume one. Where stories live. Discover now