Hey, Kal ✨

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Word count: 810 words :)

Angsty fluff :)

The squad

Auri's POV
I lay on my bed, bored.

I haven't been outside in a couple of days, and it was really starting to get to me.

We had defeated the Ra'haam years ago, but not without sacrifice.
Kal was in a coma, and hadn't woken up in about seven months.
I always talked to him, praying to anyone or anything that he would wake up.

But he never had.

I had also lost something when I killed the Ra'haam. I had lost sight in my right eye, and had a massive scar that goes from my eye, down my neck and to my collarbone. I also hadn't been able to use my powers. Not since I destroyed the 22 planets that the Ra'haam had invaded.

I go to my closet to pick out some clothes, to look somewhat presentable to the house that the remainder of Squad 312 lived in. Saedii had moved in too, to take care of her brother, and to be close to her boyfriend, Ty, and her friends.

We had never really gotten along though, considering the fact that we had fought pretty badly back when we were still enemies. We really only tolerate each other because of our love for Kal, and it would break Tys heart if any of us left.

I throw on a black tank top, showing off my scar, and I put on black ripped jeans, and tie my hair into a messy ponytail.

I walk out of my room, and head straight to Kal's room, where only a mess of beeping machines and wires greet me.

I kneel down next to his sleeping body, and kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey, Kal." I whisper.

I sometimes talk to him, telling him stories of my childhood, what happens in the day, or just sit there with him.
He never reply's, never shows him that he knows I'm there, that he's okay, but I believe that he will be okay.

I believe that he will wake up.

I sit down next to the bed, and start quietly singing to him.

Oh, fly me to the moon
And let me play, upon the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On, Jupiter and Mars.
In other words, baby hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me.

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

After I stop singing, I just stay quiet, and close my eyes, leaning my head against the bed, thinking of what would have happened if Archeon Caesar had never tried to destroy Terras sun.

I must have fallen asleep, because I wake up to a blanket wrapped around me and a small pile of cookies on a plate next to me.

I give a small smile, knowing that Scar was looking after me. She and the rest of the squad were practically the only ones who kept me sane when Kal went into the coma.

They were the ones who supported me to get up on my feet when I lost some of my sight.

They were the ones who saved my life and I was grateful.

"Y'know, Aurora, when he was on Caesar's ship, he wouldn't shut up about you." Saedii says, and sits down opposite me.

"What are you doing." I say, tired and not really wanting to talk to her.

"I want to, what is the human word?" She pauses, confused. "Oh, yes. I would like to be friends."

I sigh. "I guess I've been avoiding it, But I have a good reason to. You did almost kill us. Multiple times, Saedii."

"Yes, but I didn't know you then. I just knew you were my brothers be'shmai, and the rest of you were his squad. I just wanted to get him to come home. I hope you see that."

"I do. I deal with you. For the squad. For Kal."

She smiles softly, and reaches out and grabs a cookie.

I look up at her, and see the similarities between her and Kal. She's got the same cold, icy exterior, the same unearthly beauty.

It was scary to think that he could have chosen a Syldrathi. Someone as hauntingly beautiful as him, but chose me. A human.

Love is strange.


Saedii and I talk well into the night about our childhoods, and exchanging stories of daring escapes and battles.

It was quite nice actually, talking to her.
She listened, and cared almost as much as her brother. I see why Ty loves her so much.

Before I realised, the sun was up and we were asleep on the floor next to the person we loved.

Family is found in strange ways.

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