Hell froze over P.7 ✨

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I know no one really cares, but I finally had the motivation and the ideas to finish the series!

Song for the story:
Hell froze over- Kodaline

Word count:
851 words!

Angst (y e s)

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth

Auri's POV

"You can't stay in there forever, Aurora." Kal calls, from the other side of the door.

"Challenge accepted, Pixieboy." I say, and double check that the closet door is still locked.

I hear a bang on the door, and know that Kal has now resorted to force to open the door.

"Nice try." I taunt him.

"We need to talk!" He shouts, pounding on the door now.

"Nah." I say, and unfog the glass door to give him the middle finger. I could up the glass again just as I see his frown.

After a while, he just gives up and sits there, a blurry shadow against the glass.

"You know, for the longest time, Aurora, I wished you were by my side, travelling around the galaxy with me, commanding battleships and bringing the rebellion to its knees." He says, tucking a stray braid behind his pointed ears.

"And you realise, I would still take a bullet for you. I would do anything for you, really." He continues, speaking to no one.

"But I learnt, in time, that this was for the best. Us apart. A human and a Syldrathi was never meant to be together, let alone the son of a star slayer and a girl out of time." He finishes, and looks at me.

"God, I hate you." I say.

He pauses. "And I love you, Aurora."

I'm taken aback, because he's never actually said it to me before. I mean, I knew he loved me, but.....it's different now.

I sigh and unlock the door, inviting him into the closet.

"What happened to us?" I ask him, silent tears running down my face. He looks down at me, and ask me this.

"Do you still love me?"

I pause, doubting myself on the question that I've asked myself for four years.

"Yes. I do. I don't think I will ever stop loving you."

His face brightens, up but I cut him off.

"But, you know, you can't build a relationship on lies. You can't just think that everything will be okay just because you said sorry once."

As his face falls, I continue.

"You didn't talk to me for years, Kal. You set out to kill me and the rest of the squad. You weren't there when I killed the Ra'haam. You weren't there when I needed you the most. And that's why I can't take you back." I finish.

I stand up and turn to leave. Leave Kal, leave this ship forever, leave my past beautiful past behind.

But I'm stopped with Kal grabbing my arm, and dragging me back to him.

I don't want to be here.

"Stop." I say, my voice firm.

"Don't leave, Aurora. Please, we can do this together! We can lead the Unbroken together. We'll be in love again." He pleads me, but I break his grasp and run to the door, peeling it open with my mind.

As I sprint away, I wonder again if this is the right thing to do, leaving him like this.

I don't want to be heartbroken again.

I don't want to see the messages flash on my uni to come back to him.

I don't want to open up the scars on my arm again.

I don't want to show Andromeda that I'm a bad godmother.

But despite that, I run onward to the hangars, knowing that this is the right thing to do.

I will make it to my 21st birthday.

I will live to see Andromeda grow up.

I will live to see Ty run the Aurora Legion.

I will live for my family.

"AURI! STOP!" I hear Kal shout, and the feet of hundreds of Syldrathi warriors at my heels.

I give him the finger, and make it to the bay.

There, I'm greeted with a battalion of Unbroken, ready to capture me.

I smirk as they surge as one to attack me, and I throw my hands up, a sphere of midnight blue knocking the Unbroken to the wall, and they slump down against the wall, unconscious.

I slam the door shut, making sure that Kal and his army can't get in, and board a Syldrathi ship.

I'm not as good as Cat, but she's a galaxy-class ship racer, so I don't really have to live up to that. But, what she did do between tours and races, was teach me how to fly.

And lucky me, I'm damn good at it.

So, I fire up the ship and shout in delight as it tears through the hangar walls, and I escape into the void, finally free.

Free from him.

And I know now that I still love him, but I'm ready to move on.

And I know that I will be hunted by him for years, but that's okay.

I will be okay,

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