Together again

214 8 40

That was the OG cover that I originally made but I changed it.

Word count:
578 words

F l u f f

Admiral Adams
Zila Madran
Olivia Byrnes
Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Cat Brannock
Tyler Jones
Finian De Karran De Seel
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth

The brains POV

We walk off the ship, and we are greeted with thousands of cheering people.

I twist my golden earring in nervousness, and Scar shoots me a reassuring smile.

I notice that Auri is gripping Kal's hand, and that Tyler and Cat are pressed together.

It reminds me of my Olivia.

We walk down the metal ramp, and the crowd parts like a sea.

I scan the crowd for her, but she's not there.
"Please don't leave me again." I whisper, but it's drowned out by screaming fans.

I keep my head up high, but keep searching the crowd for a shock of brightly-coloured hair.

"Welcome, young hero's." Admiral Adams voice booms.
We salute, respectfully, and Adams chuckles.

"Really, I should be saluting to you."

We smile at that, and Adams presents our medals.
"To Tyler Jones, without his leadership and quick thinking, the galaxy wouldn't be saved."

"To Scarlett Jones, the best damn Face in the 'way."

"To Finian De Karran De Seel, the best gear head and to the best sarcasm I've ever seen."

"To Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth, when your past threatened to consume you, you stood and fought."

"To Catherine Brannock-"

"It's Cat!" She shouts.

"To Cat Brannock, the bests Ace to have ever graced our halls."

He turns to me.
"To Zila Madran, you had your struggles, and your battles, but you got there, in the end."

He slips the medal over my head.
"Thank you, Sir."

"Don't thank me, Legionnaire."

I walk up next to Cat, and she bumps me on the shoulder.
"Been a hell of a ride, huh?"

I smile, and turn to the crowd.

"And to Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley. We would be dead without you. Thank you, Aurora. Truly."

She smiles and slips up next to me, hooking our arms together.

"You said it, A." Cat calls.

She giggles, and I go back to scanning the crowd for Olivia.

"ZEE! OVER HERE!" A voice screams, and tears spring to my eyes.

Her lavender hair is pulled up into a ponytail, and her bangs are falling into her eyes.
I notice that she's wearing the black hoodie that I gave her before I left, and black jeans.


I cover my mouth, and fail to fight back tears.
"Zila? You okay?" Auri asks me.

"I-It's her..."

"Her? Who?"

"Olivia. My girlfriend."


I laugh, and Adams finishes his speech.

I race off the stage and dive into the crowd.

"ZEE?!" She calls back, and I see her.

"Zee?!" She cries, and I throw my arms around her, and we're both crying.
"I thought you were dead!"


She laughs, and kisses me.
Everything fades and spins and melts away, and it's just her and me and me and her.

"I missed you." She says.

"I missed you too."

The next kiss is salty from out tears, and I can feel the cold metal form her nose piercing pressing against my skin.

"I love you. And for fricks sake, don't you ever scare me like that again." She breathes.

"I won't. Never again."

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