The Circus

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Idk if this is cliche, but yeah.
Does mention abuse (slapping, emotional abuse) so, if you are triggered by that and/or horrible writing, I suggest you click off.

Word count:
845 words.


The squad.

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

I twirl in the ring, feeling the harsh heat of the lights on my face.

My eye glows with unearthly light as I release a torrent of blue and silver energy into the tent.

I revel in the cries and gasps of the crowd as I spin and twirl and leap, lost in a searing rush of power.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the darkened figures of the twin acrobats, Ty and Scar. There's Fin, who is an albino, stoking the flames that coat the ring higher and higher.

Cat dances and twirls on the edge of the ring, barely wearing any clothes at all to show off the tattoos lighting up her skin.

The crowd roars as I engulf myself in light, my body glowing.

Zila, our contortionist, twists herself into a box, locking herself inside.

The music swells, and with a final twirl, I release a burst of light to fill the tent, and the lights go dark.

I pick up my skirts and help Zila out of her box, and the six of us race out of the tent.

I call a little light to being and we run outside, bursting into the fresh airs

"Aurora! Wait up!" Scar shouts as we run into the black.


"Esh wants you back in the ring."


She brushes a hand against my shoulder.
"Good luck. He's in a shitty mood."

I run back towards the tent, my feet pounding on wet earth, black tulle swishing against my legs and wind whipping against my stomach.

I slow down and walk into the tent, covering my shirt.
Actually, it's not even a shirt. It barely covers my chest.

I hate it.

"Esh?" I call.

"Andromeda." He purrs, and comes out of the darkness, putting an arm around my waist. The other hand holds an empty bottle of whiskey.

"My name is Aurora."

"Same thing, darling. Now, I want you to practice that new dance."

"Esh! It's after a show! My feet are bleeding for f-"

He slaps me across the face.
"You, Aurora, will do what I ask. I do not care whether your hurt. You make me money, and that's what I care for."

He runs a hand over my jawline.
"Got it, beautiful?"

I cross my arms, defiant.

"Got it?!"

"Yes, sir." I say, my voice cold and emotionless.

"Good. Now, dance."

My eyes flutter and I raise my arms, lifting them above my head.
I raise my leg, kicking it high, and my eye glows.

I tumble and kick and spin and twirl, dazzling an imaginary crowd.

I fade to a stop, panting.
"Is that good enough for you?" Theres venom in my voice.

"You will never be good enough. But leave me."

I scamper out of the tent and into moonlight, dew coating my aching feet.


I whirl around.
"Esh I swear to god-"

It's not Esh.
It's a boy.

A boy with dazzling violet eyes, long silver hair that hangs below his waist, olive skin and high cheekbones.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Kal. I saw you training."

I force a bitter laugh.

"You were hit. I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"That you endure that."

"I have to."


"I don't know you. Why should I tell you?"

He takes a breath in.
"Because I can help you escape."


"Scar, Ty, come on. We can leave. Tonight." I tell them.

Everyone's here. The six of us.

"But what if he's lying?" Cat asks, her voice heavy with accent.

"He isn't. Trust me."

"I do not trust him." Zila says, quietly leaning against Scar.

"Come on. We can leave. Be free."

"I want to do it." Fin says.

"Same." Ty agrees.

"I...I'm in. Only to make sure that Ty doesn't get up to some dumb shit like last time." Scar smirks.

"HELLS YEAH!" Cat cheers.

"I'll go." Zila whispers.

"Then we're all accounted for. Let's do this."


We steam into the spotlight, and take our positions.

The music ebbs and flows and swirls around us, and I match its pace with my magic and dance.

I lose myself in the music, gone to the void.

The crowd cheers as I make an impossible jump, and a magical light show.

I light up eyes and children's imaginations with a flick of my wrist.

Camera flashes light my own mismatched eyes.

The music fades and the stage darkens, and we rush outside with the crowd.

"Kal?" I shout, and he appears next to me.

"Follow me!" He shouts, and we race towards the fence.

He's cut the fence open somehow, and we crawl underneath, wet earth coating our skin.

We break free if the fence and sprint across the street and into the nights maw, free.


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