The Apocalypse Hype House P.1

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So I did a pretty sad (sad? I don't know) chapter last time, and so I decided I was gonna do what I thought was a pretty funny chapter,  so enjoy!

I'm gonna do a total YouTuber move, but please comment and vote on what chapters you like and I love you all!

Word count: 397 words

Crackhead fluff

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Finian De Karran De Seel
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Zila Madran

So you know in the last one shot chapter where the squad lived together? Well this is it!

Auri's POV



"What the fuck?" I mutter, stepping out of my room and into the kitchen, where I'm greeted with the lovely sight of Fin sprawled our on he floor, laughing with flour everywhere and a tray of cookie dough on the floor.

"Do I even want to know?" I ask

"Nope." He says, through dying laughter.

"Finian De Karran De Seel if you fucked up my kitchen I sWEAR TO GOD IM EVICTING YOU!" Zila screams from across the house.

Fins face pales,  and scrambles to his feet, just as Zila materialises from Eshvaren-Knows-Where with a frying pan.

"SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR LIFE PRIVILEGES YOU LITTLE BETRASKAN BITCH!" She screams, before sprinting after Fin with her frying pan.

They chase each other around the house, screaming, while I sit o the kitchen bench wondering what in cheesecakes name I had done to deserve to be here.

I steal an Oreo package while Zilas distracted, and walk to Scars room.

"Hey, Scar? Your boyfriend made a mess of the kitchen and now Zilas revoked his living privileges."

"Oh shit-" she says, as she scrambles to her feet "I should probably go save his sorry ass. Also, don't go in Ty and Sade's room. I hear moaning so I've been sitting here with my bleach and holy water, waiting for them to come out so I can tell them about Jesus."

"Teaaaaa. Anyway, go save Fin.
He'll be dead in a few minutes."

"Oh yeah."

Scar runs out of her room, bible in hand, ready to probably murder someone.

But, I mean, who cares. I have Oreos, I'll be fiiiiiine. Fin won't, but I will.

Yes, I know it was short but it was so fun to write!
I might do a mini series on The apocalypse hype house, but I don't know.

Let me know if you want more!

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