Hell froze over P.4 ✨

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Song for the story:
Hell froze over - Kodaline

Word count: 846 words.

Angsty adventure

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth
Waywalker servants

Auri's POV

"Kal...." I whisper, looking up at the roof.

"Yes, Be'shmai." He says, his words smooth and hopeful.

"I'm not your be'shmai. Not anymore." I say.

A pause.

"Oh, but you will be." His voice full of warning and danger.

And with those words, the walls start slowly moving in on me.

I panic, and push against the walls in a futile attempt to stop them.

Wild eyed, I do the only thing I can think of.
In a whirlwind of psychic rage, I push the walls back, denting and stopping them.

I will not have my fears exploited like that. Not today, not ever.

I hear slow clapping coming from the PA system that's projecting Kal's voice.

"Well done, Aurora." Is all I hear, before I black out.


I wake up o the comfiest bed you can ever imagine, wrapped up in silk sheets and a carefully embroidered bed. It's four postered, with carvings up it's sides.

It's eerily similar to the bed that I made in the Echo.


I pause when I see the huge, gold rimmed painting of Kal and Caersan.

I sleepily snicker at that, knowing how he would have had to pose through all that with the father he hated. And a painting, of all things too.

Definitely not his style.

I get up, and realise what I'm wearing. It's an old Aurora Legion Tank jacket, with neat stitches all over it. I look down at my legs, and to my relief, I'm wearing some pyjama pants.

Thank the Eshvaren, I sigh.

I get reluctantly get out of the impossibly comfortable bed and take a walk around the room.

It's smaller than my shrinking cell, but not by much. There's a huge bookcase lining a wall, and I notice some classics, like Alice in wonderland and Grimms fairy tales. But there's a few I don't recognise, in a beautiful, flowing script that I recognise as Syldrathi.

Another wall is covered in a huge screen and photographs. I assume this is where he has private conversations with his father.

The photos are all either security camera photos, or photos of writing.
I realise that these are photos of me, and the graffiti I used to do. I lean in closer to have a better look.

One photo says, Ina Saunit, do you remember her? The Eshvaren live.
I recognise it as a thing I did a year ago, on the day I got my tattoos. I subconsciously touch the one I have on the back of my neck. I didn't realise that he actually kept track of it.

He's kept a note next to it.
Sempiternity, 4/8/2378.

There a hundreds of these photos, these notes.


"Aurora? We have been tasked to help you get ready for the master." I hear a name call from the other side of the room.

It's three waywalker girls, dressed in beautiful red dresses, with gold weaved into their beautiful silvery hair.

It's good to know that he treats them well.

I nod and head towards them, surprised when I see a bath filled with steaming hot water, and softly glowing flower petals.

It's quite nice, actually.

I strip off my clothes and sink into the water. This is the most relaxed I've been in a while. The waywalker girls scrub my hair and body, making me actually look presentable. It's a wonder what water will do for dirty skin.

After a while, I get my hair dried and I get dressed.

I'm wearing a navy dress that comes down to my knees. It's silk, and little dots of silver start from my waist and end at the edge of my dark skirts, making my dress look like it's captured falling stars.


My hair looks equally stunning too. It's down, brushing my shoulders. It's been curled to make it look wavy, and there's a single, silver hair clip keeping my white bangs from getting in my eyes.

I don't wear any shoes, at my request. I want to be quiet, maybe so I can slip away without the Waywalkers knowing.

My hopes of escaping are crushed when we are greeted with the welcoming sight of a Warbreed escort. There's five of them, each with a gruesome accessory.

One has a scar marring their perfect face, and another has a string of pointed ears across their chest.


We walk through the endless dark hallways of the Obsidio, not saying a word. The stomp of boots across metal is loud enough to block out any and all of my thoughts.

I fiddle with the end of my dress, nervous to see the person that I've been thinking about for almost four years.

What would he look like?
Would be be the same person I fell in love with all those years ago?
Of course he wouldn't, Auri. Don't be stupid.
But maybe, just maybe, he might.

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