Illusions (trigger warning)

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So I have this headcanon that Auri and create illusions and stuff.


I stand in front of the mirror, looking at the girl reflected within.
I pull on my stomach.

With a breath and a wave of my hand, I'm skinnier and than ever.


I go to my scars and bruises, and they disappear too.

I lean into the mirror, and look at my eyes.
Make them bigger!" I urge myself, and I do, adding a violet haze to them.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I mutter, as my hands scour my body.
My nails take down my cheeks.

"Why am I not pretty?" I sob.

I hear the door whisper open and shut, and someone sinks to the floor next to me, and wraps his arms around me.

I sob into his chest, and he strokes my hair.

"Aurora, your beautiful. Please, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"B-but I'm n-not."

"You are. What are the things you don't like about yourself?" He asks me.

"The w-way I'm not skinny enough. I hate my eyes and my hair. I hate having so many bruises and scratches and I hate it."
"I hate it."

He sighs, and tilts my head up.
"CryoSleep took a lot away from you. You are as thin as a twig. Any thinner and you will die."

"No I won't."

"I'm not done. You are covered with bruises and scratches because we've been on the run for two months."


"And your eyes, Be'shmai. Their beautiful. It shows the world how important you are, how incredible you are. You can create magic with your mind. Do you realise how much of a skill that is?"


He runs a hand through my hair.
"It's so fluffy..."

I gets a weak laugh out of that.

"Oh, I'm not done." I say, "Do you remember Bianchis ball?"

"How could I forget?"

"You looked stunning. Beautiful. It just made me sad that I couldn't tell you that." He whispers.

"Well, you could've."

"No. And you are amazing. And I love you. And you are beautiful and smart and-" He takes a breath.
"Please, don't hurt yourself. Please."

"I won't."

"Are you sure?"


I wrap my arms more tightly around him, reveling in his words.
"I love you too." I whisper.

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