Apocalypse Hype House P.3

263 12 42

Word count:
494 words

Crackhead fluff

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Cat 'Zero' Brannock
Tyler 'Goldenboy' Jones
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

I knock softly on Cats door.
I hear a faint 'come in' and push open the door.

"Cat? I have something for you." I say, sitting down on the bed next to her, and handing her a wrapped present.

"We never sorta...got along, so I thought we could try and do this together."

She looks up at me, and rips open the brightly coloured wrapping paper.
Her mouth opens in shock, and pulls out a brand-new skateboard.

"I know you guys have like, hoverboards, but I'm old fashioned. I have roller skates, and now you have this...maybe we could go skating sometime?"

"Hells yeah!" She cries, and pulls me into a hug.


"WOOHOO!" Cat screams, skating through the house.
I laugh, and turn to skate backwards, facing Cat.

The second she got on the skateboard, she was a natural, starting out perfectly.

"It's fun, isn't it?!" I shout
She replies with another whoop of delight.

"What the hells...?" I hear someone mutter.

"We've been caught! Abort, Abort!" I shout.
"Hell no! Skate as fast as you can!"

"Cat? Auri? Wait...STOP!" I hear Ty yell, and pounding footsteps from behind us.

"Nah!" Cat replies.

We skate into the hallway, and Cat gets off her board and helps me up the stairs.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." I say, as we run up the stairs.

Cat looks at me, and smiles.
"Chill, Stowaway. We'll be fine."

"Ty's gonna kill me if he finds out that I gave his girlfriend a skateboard!"

"I'll Calm him down."

We reach the top of the stairs, and continue skating, looking behind us to see Ty close on our tail.

We didn't even see Kal blocking the hallway, until I crash into him.

"Sa'dei am'rath DENĀ!" He shouts as he tumbled down.

"Watch your fILTHY LANGUAGE GILWRAETH!" Scar screams from somewhere.

I kiss him on the cheek. "Gotta blast!" I say, and climb off him, and skate away from the wreckage that Cat and I caused, laughing.

I turn around and see a bewildered Kal watching us, and Ty still running after us.

Cat waves to Ty. "Bu-bye!" She shouts, and we skate around the second floor, and run into my room, and lock the door.

We sink down, leaning on the door, laughing.

I start taking my skates off, unlacing the boots and pulling them off.

"Did- did you see Kal's face?!" I say between laughs.
Cat snorts. "And Ty's face when he first saw us!"
"God, that was priceless!"

She replies with a smirk, and we bust out laughing again at the memory.

"We have to do that again!" She says.
"Mmmmmmaybe after Ty has calmed down."
"Yeah, that's smart."

And so that became our tradition, skating around the house, pissing off Ty and escaping death by lecture.

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