Octavia P.3

142 5 5

Word count:
353 words


Rosa Madran
Flynn Jones
Ellie Malikova
Ethan Gilwraeth
Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"Alright, kids, we need to take stock of abilities and things like that." Flynn says, leaning against the wall.

"Uh, okay?" Ellie says.

He sighs.
"What were y'all gonna do on Octavia?"

"Oh. Coding and hacking and stuff like that. I'm damn good with computers." Ellie says, leaning back on her chair.

"Defence." Ethan says.

"Um, exploration and cartography." I tell him.

"Diplomacy." Rosa says.

"Alright. Good."

I catch Ethan looking at me from the corner of my eye.
Pay attention! I mouth to him.


I raise my eyebrows at him, and he snaps his head towards Flynn.
"We need to leave."

"We can't!" Ellie cries.
"I've already done a systems check, and we took some damage. Not significant enough to hurt us in RealSpace but if we fold..."

"We'll die?" I ask.

She nods her head, and Rosa puts an arm around her.
"We'll be okay."

"Don't bullshit me, R."

"I'm not!"

"We're are going to DIE ON THIS SHIP!" She screams "DONT YOU ALL GET THAT?"

"I know." I whisper.

"Ellie, please s-" Flynn says.


I stand up.
"Ellie, please."

And then she hits me across the face.
With a cry of rage, Ethan gets to his feet, fists clenched.

"ETHAN, DONT!" Flynn cries.

I step back, putting a hand to my face.
I hadn't noticed that Rosa left the room until she's standing there, with an empty bucket. Water drips off Ethan and Ellie.

"If your so convinced we're going to die on the ship, go down to level two and get an escape pod and get the hell out of here."




"GET OUT!" She screams, and Ellie sprints away.

"What were you thinking?" Flynn asks.

"I was only thinking of-"

"No. You leave too."

"Wait what?"

"You heard me. Leave."

"Flynn, I'm sorry."

But he only points to the exit.

There was 30,000 people on the Octavia colony.
And then there were 5.

Now 3?

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