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Word count:
1428 words.

Angsty angst

Aurora 'Auri' Jie Lin O'Malley
Zhang Ji 'Princeps'
Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth
Scarlett Isobel Jones
Tyler 'Goldenboy' Jones
Zila madran
Finian de Karran de Seel.

Auri's POV

"He-help. Please." I whimper, curled up on the cold stone floor, as the guards kick my body.

I had only been on the TDF ship for a day, and I was already far beyond my limits. I had been beaten, bruised, kicked and punched, and my body couldn't take it anymore.

I had given myself up to the TDF ship, after they had threatened to fire missiles on our ship. Much to everyone's protest, I went on the ship, to greet my fate.

"Shut it, bitch." One of the guards say.

Another signals for the squad to leave, almost like they shouldn't have been here in the first place.

If they weren't supposed to be here, Eshvaren knows what the actual guards will do.

Little did I know, what the guards will do, is much worse.


I'm still crying on the floor when the official guards get here. They pull me up to my feet, and drag me by my arms through the blindingly white ship, to a room with a chair that has straps on it for my arms and legs.

There's wires and machines surrounding the chair, and there's a team of scientists setting the contraption up for me.

I give out a cry of alarm when I'm strapped to the chair. I can't move.

Then Princeps walks in.

"Dad?" I whisper, hoping desperately that he will get me out of this death trap. But, lucky me, instead he barks orders at the scientists to hurry up.

Someone puts a gag in my mouth, and wires and monitors are taped to my head and body.

It's like I'm being tested for something.

"Heart rate is spiking, sir. We will have to sedate her for her to go in the FearScape." Someone calls from outside my vision.

An older man comes up to me, and tapes a sedation patch on my wrist, smiling. I struggle, but eventually I give in to the peaceful drugged haze that the sedation patch offers me.

Princeps walks over to me, in his pristine white GIA uniform.

"All of this could be avoided if you just give in to the Ra'haam, Jie Lin." He whispers.

I thrash in my chair, trying desperately to show that I'm not afraid of him.
That I will never give in.

He laughs a cruel, cold laugh, and barks an order at someone. They flick a switch, and my world goes black.


I'm on the Hadfield, sitting in the cryo room, surrounded by the cruel faces of all the dead Octavia colonists.

They creep towards me, rotting faces contorted into a twisted smile.

"You sssssshould have died along with the resssst of usssss." They all hiss as one.

I let out a choked sob, knowing that they were right. That I should have died with them.

I scream as they all lunge for my throat as one, and the dream shifts.

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