In this Court of Shadows and Stars P.7

162 9 15

Part seven:
Operation Jie-Lin

Word count:
762 words

fluffy angst

Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth as the Warbreed Elf Prince

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as the Court of Stars Mage.

Archon Caerson as the Warbreed Elf King.

Lila James as the Court of Stars Princess.

King Alex James as the King of the Court of Stars.

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Warbreed Princess.

Tyler Jones as a Illuminae member.

Fin De Karran De Seel as a Illuminae member.

Cat Brannock as a Illuminae member.

Zila Madran as a Illuminae member.

Scarlett Jones as a Illuminae member.

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

Lila has been acting weird ever since she and  Kaliis spent the night together. They share secret glances and whenever I ask Lila about what happened that night she giggles and runs away.


But I have bigger things to worry about. I need to prepare for the Illuminae mission that will happen tomorrow night. That's the only thing that matters anymore.

I'm starting to pack my bags for the mission, when I hear a faint giggle and a note slips under the doorway.

"I swear to god Lila, if your messing with me I'm gonna kill-" I begin, and then I see the letter.

Dear Aurora,
Meet me in the palace gardens at midnight tonight.

"-you." I finish.

What does the Prince want with me?

Twilight is already falling, so I have a couple of hours free time to mess around before I have to meet up with him.

I'm surprised to find that I'm excited.

I flop down on my bed with a book, and get lost in a world of stars and romance.


I look up from my book, and see that it's five minutes to midnight.

"Oh shit!" I cry, and leap out of bed, throwing in some pants and a jumper, and I race outside to the gardens.

Kaliis is already there, sitting down, making a flower crown.

He hasn't noticed me yet, so I creep up behind him, and shout "BOO!"

He jumps, and once he realises it's me, he calms down a bit. I sit down opposite him, and start making a crown of twisting roses, while his is a crown of simple daisies.

"Soooo, I imagine that you didn't want me to come out here just to make flower crowns, did you?" I ask him, hissing in pain when I prick my finger on a thorn.

"No. I just wanted to talk."

"About what, Kaliis?"

"Call me Kal. I wanted to talk about..." He pauses "You and me and us and what happened."

"You mean when I ditched you to run for my life?"


"There is nothing to say. I heard someone coming, and I ran to save my life."

"So it wasn't me?"

"Why would it be about you?"

"Well, for a start, I'm four years older than you, and I'm an elf."

"Yeah, well, I was six. I didn't care. But what I did care about was ending up like my parents."

"Your parents?"


His eyes widen, alarmed. He touches my hand, soft. "I'm so sorry."

I pull my hand away. "Why? I never knew em. I grew up in the palace, they cared more about me than they ever did."

"So why did they die?"

"Do you remember the Ra'haam plague? Well, my country killed whoever had it. And well...." I trail off, knowing he's smart enough to figure the rest out.

I start making my flower crown again, to distract me from Kal staring at me like I'm some sort of wounded puppy, that I need to be held.

"Would you quit it?" I snap, and he turns his head towards his half-finished flower crown.

I notice that it's falling apart at the knots.
"Okay, your gonna want to tie it this way." I tell him, reluctant, and take his crown to show him his faults.

We stay like that for a while, in silence, just focusing on each other, and our crowns.

"I gotta go, Kal." I say, and stand up, brushing the dirt off my pants.

"Wait-" He says, and fishes around next to him, and produces a bar of chocolate. "This is for you."

My eyes widen, and I break into a smile. I hadn't seen chocolate in the week that I've been here, let alone tasted it.

I tackle Kal into a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I chant, and disentangle from him.

I run off to my room with a wave.

Maybe Kal wasn't so bad after all...

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