Back to the Court of Shadows and Stars P.1

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Part One:
The suprise.

Word count:
587 words.

Angsty fluff.

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as an Illuminae member (Human)

Scarlett Isobel Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Tyler Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Cat 'Zero' Brannock as an Illuminae member (Human)

Finian De Karran De Seel as an Illuminae member (Betraskan)

Zila Madran as an Illuminae member (Dwarf)

Lila James as the Court of Stars Queen (Human)

Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth as an Elven Prince (Elf)

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Elven Princess (Elf)

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

Scar grabs my arm and we run far, far away from the palace.

I was free.

One year later

Our little band of misfits are sitting around the campfire at base, drinking in the warmth.

Ty is talking to Scar, while hugging Cat close. Cat plays with his golden hair and his slightly pointed ears.

Zila and Fin are fixing Fin's suit, tools and machinery littered around them.

I'm sitting cross-legged on a rug on the grass, sorting out various poisons and medicines into little glass bottles for our next mission, a mission that Ty hasn't told us anything about.

Scar gets up mid-conversation with Ty, looking bored. She leaves with a swish of her red skirts, and heads towards the food tent.

"Heyyyyy Auriiiii." Fin says, sitting down next to me.
I roll my eyes and give him a small wave, and go back to my work.

"Whatcha dooooooing?" He asks, picking up a bottle of hemlock.
"Sorting the potions for next mission." I say, my voice dry.
"Oh, I thought they were for me." He says, and gives me a light punch on the arm.
I laugh, and punch him back.

"So, Auri, you been dreaming about your booooooooyfriend?" He asks "Because I sure have."

"Fin!" I cry, mock-scolding him.

"Well, have you?"

"Of course not." I lie.

He calls me out as soon as I tell him that. "Bullshit."

"Okay, fine. I've been trying to figure out what he was going to say to me as we were running away."

"What'd he say?" He asks, full of genuine confusion.

"Jie-Lin I-. That's what he said."

"Mmmmm." Fin says, thinking about it.
"What about... Jie-Lin, I love you."

"No!" I cry, throwing my hands up.

"Admit it, you've thought about it."

"Fuck you Fin." I say, and pack up the poisons and head to my tent, collapsing on the mess of furs that was my bed.


I must of fallen asleep, because Ty is shaking me awake.
"Auri, come on, I'm briefing the others on the new mission."

"Go awayyyyyyyy." I say, my voice thick with sleep.

"Nope. Not until you get up."

I sit up and flatten my hair down, trying to brush the knots out with my fingers.
I fail miserably.

I pull on a jumper and walk out into a cold, black winters night. I sit down next to Fin at the bonfire, and Ty begins to brief us I. The same things that he says every time we go on a new mission.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty." Fin says, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Shut up, I'm trying to listen to Ty." I hiss at him.

"Finian! Aurora! Shut your mouths or I'll shut it for you!" Ty scolds.

"Sorry Ty." I whisper, and Fin only smirks.

"Suck up." He whispers, and Ty shouts at him again.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Auri, how do you feel about seeing your boyfriend again?" Ty says.

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