Hot chocolate

281 10 14

Requested by Cinnclair
Here you go!
And, yes, I'm aware that Mindight Talks was pretty bad, I was determined to finish it even though I was exhausted.

Word count:
791 words

Tyler Jones
Saedii Gilwraeth

The Alphas POV

I was running, running, running through the twisting woods, laughter and howls coming from behind me.

Sweat drips off my forehead as I climb a hill, not wanting to risk a look at the things chasing me.

But I do.

Everyone I've ever loved is chasing me, crazed looks on their faces.


"Saedii, no!" I shout, throwing my hands up.

"Oh, Tyler. It's not me you should be worried about. It's him." She says with a sneer, and I feel hot breath breathing down my neck.

"Hello, Tyler." My father says, his voice cold.

I turn around and see the person who has haunted my dreams since I was eleven.
My fathers ice-blue eyes stare back at me, his greying hair tousled by the wind.

But that doesn't change the fact that there's a huge metal shard protruding from his chest, blood leaking from the wound.

"Go away." I say, my voice steel.

He steps towards me.
"You will never get rid of me, Tyler. Never."
"Likewise with your flaws, your fears. You will never shed them, get rid of them. And you know why."
"Your not strong enough, not good enough. No matter how much you try and live up to my name, you don't deserve it."
"I am ashamed to call you my son."

He gives me a cold, dead smile as the tears fall from my eyes, and bring out a shining silver knife from nowhere, and stabs me in the chest.

I sink to my feet, my eyes wide with shock as I see bright red drip, drip, dripping into the bright green grass.

The last thing I hear is my fathers voice.
"See, you are never good enough."


I sit bolt upright in bed, cold sweat dripping down my face.


I breathe in deep and get out of bed, wrapping a jumper around myself, and head for the galley, where I make two hot chocolates.

I run the tears that are still clinging to my lashes away, and walk out to the bridge, hot chocolates in hand.

"Hey." I whisper.

"Oh, I did not realise that it was your shift, Tyler." Saedii says, looking up from her book.

"No, just..." I trail off, and sit down next to her, handing her a hot chocolate.

"What is this?" She asks, staring at the marshmallows that are bobbing in the drink.

"Hot chocolate. It's a Terran-"

She lifts it to her lips and take a long sip, completely ignoring the fact that it jus came out of the microwave. The spoon hits her in the face and she wrinkles her delicate nose.


"What is that?" She points to a pink marshmallow.

"Uuuuuh, it a marshmallow? You eat it." I show her by picking up the spoon and scooping up the marshmallow, shutting my eyes as it melts in my mouth.

She mirrors me, and her eyes go wide in ecstasy.
"I must have more. Where are they?" She demands, rising to her feet.

"Whoa there, I'll go get them for you."
I say, and head towards the galley, Saedii following me.

As I head down the corridor, I can hear quiet talking, and there's a TV playing. Someones laughing, too.

I turn into the galley, and grab a pink bag of Pascalls marshmallows.
"Here you go."
I hand it to her, and she takes it, ripping the bag open.

Saedii pours some marshmallows into her hand, and eats them all, a faint smile on her face.
"You Terrans arent so bad after all." She says, and walks out towards the bridge.

"I know."

"What did you come out here for, anyway?" She asks.

"I had a...nightmare." I tell her, and explain what happened.

"Oh. That sounds horrible, Tyler."
She looks at me, her violet eyes shimmering in the dark.

"Yeah. But it's not real, and I'm okay."
I reassure myself, but the words seem fake coming from my mouth.

"It is okay to be vulnerable, Tyler. It is okay to let your emotions show." Saedii comforts me.

"If I let my emotions show?"

She nods her head.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have toooooo-"
I cup her face and kiss her, my senses overloading. I can taste the sugar on her lips, and feel the heat of her skin.

Everything melts away like marshmallows in a hot chocolate, and the room spins.

I break the kiss and smile softly.

"Just like that?" I breathe.

"Exactly like that."

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