Back to the Court of Shadows and Stars P.6

171 8 3

Part six:
A whispered confession

Word count:
681 words

Angsty fluff.

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as an Illuminae member (Human)

Scarlett Isobel Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Tyler Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Cat 'Zero' Brannock as an Illuminae member (Human)

Finian De Karran De Seel as an Illuminae member (Betraskan)

Zila Madran as an Illuminae member (Dwarf)

Lila James as the Court of Stars Queen (Human)

Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth as an Elven Prince (Elf)

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Elven Princess (Elf)

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

I walk through the plant-covered halls, looking for my past. My navy-blue high heels keep on sinking into the grassy floor. I take them off, holding them in my hands as I run through the palace halls.

"Hello?" I call out to no one.

I turn a ivy-covered corner until I reach what I remember was Kal's room.
It looks abandoned, with the plants that cover the walls wilted, the grass that's underneath my feet yellow and brittle.

There's a massive spiderweb in the corner of the room, and the wooden, four-poster bed is rotting, the blankets that cover it is moth-eaten.

"Holy cake." I breathe.

He's let everything go to ruin, everything crumbling to dust and decay.

I walk to the decaying bed, and sit down on it, crossing my legs. I hold out my hands, and a faint navy-blue and silver mist surrounds the room.

I will the flowers to bloom and the grass to grow, but it stays the same.

I scrunch my eyes up in concentration, and hold a hand out in front of me. But it's still not working.

With a defeated sigh, I stop and my hands go limp, my shoulders slumping.

What the hell? It's never done that before.

"Elves are creatures of nature. And this is my room, it's connected to me." A deep, velvety voice says.

I whirl around, and look at him for the first time in a year.
His gorgeous olive skin is sunken and waxy. His cheeks are sunken, and his eyes are hollow. His silvery hair is tied back in a low ponytail, almost like she doesn't care anymore.

"Kal?" I ask, and take a hesitant step towards him.

"Prince Kaliis to you, Human. Who are you?"

My eyes widen. Of course he doesn't recognise me, I look nothing like myself.
"My- My name is Andromeda Light. Im a lady for Queen James."

He raises an eyebrow at me.

I twirl a midnight black strand of hair around my finger.

"Liar." He says, and takes a step towards me.
"My mother was a Waywalker elf. I can sense emotions. And right now, you reek of fear. So, tell me what is happening."

I take a step back, my back pressing up against the bed.
"I am your past. I think you might remember me. I went by the name of Jie-Lin."

His eyes widen in recognition.

I nod my head, slowly.

"Spirits of the void..." He breathes.
"I thought you were dead!"

He runs forward and wraps his arms around me in a crushing hug.
I think I feel tears pattering on my head.

"Well, I'm not."

He lets go of me.
"What brought you back?"

I pause, unsure on whether I should tell him this.
"I'm on a mission. For Illuminae."


"The group I ran away with."

He blinks. "You went with them...because you wished it so?"

I nod my head. "I hated being a lady of the Court of Stars. I wanted to leave. Leave everybody and everything behind."

He looks hurt. "Even me?"

I inhale sharply. "Especially you."

He runs a hand through his hair, a nervous move.

"Look, I need to leave. Goodbye, Kal. I'll be gone in a few days anyway."

I walk out the door, feeling Kal's eyes burning into my shoulders. I almost am too far away to hear the heartbroken whisper that leaves his mouth.

"I don't want to leave you, Aurora. I-I love you."

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