Your way braver than me ✨

270 12 5

Yeah I know I do this a lot but I like it and all the others are angst so-

Word count:
503 words

Fluff :)


The girl with mismatched eyes POV

I haven't slept in three days.

They send messages for me in my dreams.
The Eshvaren.
The Ra'haam.

I don't want to listen to them anymore.

I don't want to be Eshvaren.
I don't want to die.

And they keep reminding me that, in my sleep.
Invading the one space that I thought was truly safe.

But, I guess, nothing is truly mine anymore.
Not my life.
Not my head.

I creep out of the bed that Kal and I share, as I have been doing for the last few days.

I wait until he's asleep, and go out to the bridge to work on something, anything that will take my mind off things.

But it's mainly just memories.

I place a kiss on Kal's forehead, and creep silently out of the room, and towards the bridge.

I pull my - actually, no, it's not mine, it's Kal's - black jumper more tightly around me, and listen to the sound of my footsteps on the metal floor.

I reach the bridge and sink down next to the huge floor-to-ceiling window that shows me the stars.

I watch as our small ship spins and twirls on its pre coded course towards Lumia, where the next Ra'haam nursery planet is.

I've destroyed three already, and it's exhausting, listening to the Rahaams pleads and cries as its destroyed into oblivion.

"Aurora?" I hear a whisper.

I turn my head, and it's Kal, leaning into the doorframe that leads to the rest of the ship.
"Come back to bed."

I give him a tired smile, and my eyes must say something because the next thing I know Kal is sitting down next to me, wrapping his arms around my frail body.
"What is bothering you so much, be'shmai?"

"I-" And that's all I can get out before I crumble, and break into tears.

"Shhh, all will be well, Be'shmai."

"But- but it won't be, Kal. I will be dead. I won't be well. Not again. Never again." I sob.

"You....." He trails off, it only just biting him that I will be gone, forever.
"Just...just come back to bed. Please, Aurora."

I shake my head.
"I don't want to see them. They're in my dreams, Kal."

"Who are they?"

"The Eshvaren. The Ra'haam."

He wraps me up tighter in his arms, burying his head in my hair.
"I'm so sorry, Aurora. That you have to go through all this. You are braver than anyone I know."

I give him a watery smile.
"Braver than you?"

"Way braver than me." He smiles.
"Now, can we please go to bed?"

"Yeah...yeah okay."

And we go back to our room, and Kal wraps his arms around me, protecting me from whatever nightmares I have.

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