In this Court of Shadows and Stars P.5

183 9 15

Part five:
A visit from Illuminae

Word count:
838 words

fluffy angst

Kallis Idraban Gilwraeth as the Warbreed Elf Prince

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as the Court of Stars Mage.

Archon Caerson as the Warbreed Elf King.

Lila James as the Court of Stars Princess.

King Alex James as the King of the Court of Stars.

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Warbreed Princess.

Tyler Jones as a Illuminae member.

Fin De Karran De Seel as a Illuminae member.

Cat Brannock as a Illuminae member.

Zila Madran as a Illuminae member.

Scarlett Jones as a Illuminae member.

The girl with mismatched eyes POV

"What the hells are you doing here Fin?" I whisper, as he drags me out the window.

"When are you leaving?" He asks me, and hands me a letter.

"Look, I don't know. Maybe in a few days? I have a few things I need to clear up."

"You better hurry up in clearing things up with your boyfriend then, Stowaway." He runs his hands through his bone-white hair.

Fins Betraskan, another race of Human-Like beings with no melatonin, which is responsible for colour. He's special, though. He had the Lystergia plague as a kid, and now wears a special suit that was made by him and our dwarf friend, Zila.

"He is not-"

"Ah, ah, ah, don't deny the flame that burns between you and the hot elf prince."

Fin is also a sarcastic little shit.
But I love him like a brother, so it's okay.

"Shut up Finley, Is anyone else here?"

"No, just me."

"Okay. I need to get back to the dance. They'll suspect me for being gone so long."

"Yeah, yeah. Say hi to your boyfriend for me!" He calls as I climb back through the window, clutching the letter that he gave me close.

"For the last time, Fin, he is nOT MY BOYFRIEND!"

I trip on the windowsill, and fall in a heap of endless crimson fabric.

"Owwww." I groan, and get up.

"See? Your falling for him." Fin says, and I give him the finger.

"Seeya sis! You'd better invite me to the wedding!" Fun calls as I walk back to the party.

I wave back to him just as he disappears into the gloom, pulling a hood up over his head.


I decide not to go back to the party, and head back to my room.

There's a note for me, left by Lila.

Hey, Auri.

Dad is making me send the night with No One.

Love you!

I smile, and strip off my dress, and change into just a shirt, collapsing on the huge, four poster bed.

I take out the letter that Fin gave me.

To Aurora.

Just a reminder of the plan:

On Sunday, we will enter the Elven palace at exactly 8:00.
You will be in your room, alone.
Once we're done in the treasury, we will send Zila and Scar to collect you.


Ps. Everyone back at base says hi. Please, for the love of the maker, stay safe, Stowaway. Don't get into too much trouble.

I've known Ty for only a couple of months, but I'd die for him, and he'd do the same for me.

He was amazing, and was the leader of Illuminae.

I think back to how we met.


It was a couple of months ago, and I had already decided that I would run away. To where, I had no idea, I just knew I wanted to leave.

I was walking towards the treasury, wanting to take out a couple of dollars to go and spend at the market.

I stepped inside the gold lined door, and instead of glittering gold and jewels, there was five thieves, loading loot into their bags.

"I'm calling the guards!" I say, and block the door.

"Ty....."A girl with red hair says, who I now know as Scar.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it." Ty says.

He steps towards me, and just as he was going to hit me on the head, I pull my arms up, sending him flying.

A girl with tattoos and a fauxhawk gets up and goes to punch me, but Scar stops her.

"Wait. Your a magic user?" She asks.

I nod, and summon the energy to send them all flying.

"Stop!" She cries, throwing her hands up "We help those who don't have money. We steal from the rich to give to the poor. Those who need help!"

"Oh, just let us go." A pale boy in the corner calls.

"Fine. On my conditions though. Put the money back, and let me into your group. I can help you steal from palaces. Being pretty high up in the royal court can have its advantages." I say, and help Scar to her feet.

They all introduce themselves, and I help them escape the palace.


Now, almost seven months and four heists later, I'm ready to leave with them.

I fall asleep like that, sprawled over the bed, lost in happy memories.

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