Back to the Court of Shadows and Stars P.5

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I'm bacc

Part five:
A dance with the past

Word count:
790 wordz

Angsty fluff.

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley as an Illuminae member (Human)

Scarlett Isobel Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Tyler Jones as an Illuminae member (Half-Elf)

Cat 'Zero' Brannock as an Illuminae member (Human)

Finian De Karran De Seel as an Illuminae member (Betraskan)

Zila Madran as an Illuminae member (Dwarf)

Lila James as the Court of Stars Queen (Human)

Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth as an Elven Prince (Elf)

Saedii Gilwraeth as a Elven Princess (Elf)

The girl with mismatched eyes POV (well, not mismatched anymore)

I arrive at the Palace, with its warm, glowing gold light, plants crawling over every surface and it's huge archways and open windows.

I've missed it.

I dismount off my horse and tie it to a tree, leaving it behind. I walk into the gold archways, but not before I'm stopped by the Elven guards at the door.

"Who are you, human?" One asks.

"I'm one of Queen James's consorts, sir. I got a bit lost, it's dark out there!" I joke.

One raises an eyebrow, and they let me in the palace. I head toward the sound of faint music and laughter.

I trace my hands over a honeysuckle-choked wall, reliving old and new memories of a boy called No One and Prince Kaliis.

I turn around a corner to the Grand Garden and see a wonderful sight of twirling dancers, Elves and Humans. There's a thousand different colours and sights and smells and

I slip into the garden, unnoticed by the revellers. I see a shine of silver that I recognise as human guards. Crown guards.

That means Queen James is here. Lila is here.

I slip through crowds of towering, cold elves and drunken humans until I reach a knot of guards.

"I need to speak with Queen James. Please, it's important." I ask one with a scar marring his face.

"Who are you?"

I pause, trying to think up a fake name.
"My name is Andromeda Light. Please, I need to see the Queen."

He nods his head, slowly, and points in the direction of a dancing, dark skinned girl wearing a bouncing yellow dress.

I push my way through the crowd towards her.
"Lila?" I ask, and tap her shoulder.

"Hello? Do I know you?" She asks, and I see a silver flash of a knife in her boot.

"It's Aurora." I say, crossing my arms.

She still looks sceptical.
"Really? Name something that only Aurora would know."

"No One." I say, ever confident.

"Who was No One?"

"Prince Kaliis. Y'know, your husband?"

"He's not my husband. We made a peace treaty, and I have a girlfriend."
She looks to a Betraskan in a black dress with adoring eyes.

"Holy cake, really?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"Yeah, Auri." She says, and pulls me into a hug. "What the hells are you doing here?"

"A job for Illuminae. The ones that I ran away with. I need you to pretend that I'm part of your court."

She nods her head, the golden crown that she wears bounces in her thick black hair.
"You got a fake name?"

"Of course. I'm Andromeda Light, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Well, hello Andromeda. Would you like to meet Moon?" She walks over to the dancing Betraskan, and pulls her over to me.

"Moon, meet Andromeda, Andromeda, meet Moon."

I curtesy. "Hello!"

"Hiya Andromeda! I'm Moon De Seel!"

My eyes go wide. "Do you know Finian De Seel?"

"Of course, he's my brother. Do you know him? We haven't heard from him in almost four years."

"Yeah, I know him. He's okay."

She breathes a sigh of relief, and Lila puts a hand around her waist.

"Andro, do you wanna dance?" Lila says, playing along with my ruse.

"Hells yes!"

"What about with No One?"

"Hell no."

"Yes!" She runs into the crowd, looking for Kal.

I look to Moon, and she shrugs.
"Who's No One?"

I snort, not knowing how to tell her.
"Well, it's no one."

She laughs along with the joke, and Lila races back to us. "I found him!" She shouts, and drags me by the arm into the crowd again.

I see Moon raise an eyebrow before she's swallowed by the crowd.
"Where is he?!" Lila cries

She reaches the fountain where I talked to Kal last year.
"Kal, you prick! Get out here!" Lila yells, and several heads turn to us in disgust.

"Lila, you know how he hated parties. He's probably just in his room." I say.

She nods her head.
"Go find him."

I give her a mock salute and I run towards the princes room.

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